Hudson 4-6-4

Hey yall,

Was just wondering where I could get the History for the Milwalkee Road 4-6-4 Hudson (without the Bullet Nose). Im not sure if it was also a passenger train or used as both Frieght and Passenger. Any information would help.

Hope to hear from you soon.

The Milwaukee Road called their 4-6-4s Baltics instead of Hudsons. That is about all I know about them.

It was strictly a passenger engine. The 6 streamlined Hudsons(Baltic never really stuck) were more of a “bathtub” shroud than bullet nose. They (the non-streamlined F-6) had 79" drivers, wieghed 375,850 Lbs, had 45820 lbs tractive force w/ 225 psi boiler pressure. They were coal burners except for 1 or 2 that went to the Idaho Division for use in the non-elctrfied gap btween Avery Idaho and Othello Wash. They finished out their service lives in Chicago commuter service after being bumpd from main line trains by diesels.

There is a Milwaukee Road (CMStP&P) historical society website that might be of help.