Good luck to our friend in Hawaii Eric Mueller, AKA PVT Kanaka, of the “triple O”, we are thinking of you and hope the best for you and yours, Bill
Thanks! We are rigged and ready…so now we just wait.
Lots of rain and road closures due to landslides along the Hilo Coast! We are off the grid but there hasn’t been much sun for the last couple of days. Diesel genset is ready and plenty of propane.
Neil Erickson, Hawaii
Neil, didn’t know you were out there, hook up with Eric after the storm and get G scale going in Hawaii. Be safe and best of luck, Bill
Was wondering how you were doing. We dodged a bullet here; that storm stalled for ~24 hours and we just had to wait to see what would happen. We are blessed it hooked west.
Today, we are going to work off 72 hours of cabin fever with some 1:22.5 landscaping.
Aloha a me malama pono!
We got it pretty bad. Reports were over 40” of rain but we are further up the hI’ll do I wouldn’t be surptised if it was 48” in the last three days. The railroad doesn’t seem too worse for wear though. I‘ll be back to ballast after things dry out.
Glad to hear both you and Eric faired ok, also see that Hawaii won the national little league world series championship, way to go
Bumping for anyone in the path of Florence. Stay safe!
Echoing my thoughts, Rene!