I can’t read anything on trains.com HELP!

I am unable to read any of the magazines in the archives in a usable format. Up until 2 issues ago I could download and read everything in an easy to read and scroll format.

All of a sudden about 6 weeks ago this stopped working on my iPad. I can access the magazines in a 2-page per screen only format that requires a magnifying glass to read, and only when online.

Initially customer support was helpful, responding to my requests for updates, letting me know it was not a unique problem to me, and I tried potential fixes immediately when asked. Now requests for updates are ignored.

This doesn’t work anymore on my iPad or iPhone, with any browser, Safari, edge, or Firefox. It will work on Windows devices, but I’m not dragging my PC around to read magazines when I travel or go to bed at night

I’m a retired it professional and fully understand the complexity of development and researching bugs. Sooner or later there should be some contact with the developers and the end user with the problem. I guess not in the current environment.

Any help here is appreciated, although my renewal is coming up next month and I am considering canceling my subscription after reading both Trains and MR for over 40 years.

Get yourself a suitable reading app (I use Sidebooks, which is free, but I’ve heard GoodReader is also good. The latter is $5.99). To get the PDF to your iPad you need to download it on your PC and then email it as an attachment to yourself. Then you can open the email on your iPad and download the attachment. This should give you the option to “Open In…” your app.

You used to be able to do the download directly from the Trains.com archive but this seems to be broken. I think Kalmbach are working on fixing it but I wouldn’t hold my breath.