I have a free forum/chat and no-one uses it

The BRRM forum and chat (I call it mine authough its for the Brunswick RR Museum) has 45 members, and only about 10 actually post. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE??? I and other members want some more members to join, and some who have to get more active on it, so it is more enjoyable for everyone. Plus, it is fairly easy to get the positon of a forum moderator, so some of you may want to take advantage of that.

Available forums include seperate: B&O, C&O, Chessie, and many other fallen flag forums, Class ones and major lines, general discussions, current happenings, equiptment and operation, photography, museums and software, just to name a few. Many members are also Trains.com forum members, but some are not.

the URL for the forum and chat is:

thank you, and I hope to see you on BRRM!

And Bergie, as CNWfan5525 said on the MR forum, sorry if this is annoying, just let me know if you don’t want me to post anymore about the forum.