I got them a few days apart plymouth first then porter.The plymouth is the cnj#1001 with caboose.Porter is the Lackawanna#9.They both smoke great
I had them doubleheading 11 cars. Didnt work as I planned
I have a few of both. They are great looking little engines. One suggestion, put a spot of clear nail polish on the screws on the bottom that hold the porter together. If the small little screw at the front of the boiler(on the bottom) comes off, the whole front of the engine comes off, If you’r lucky, as I was, you find all the parts and are able to put it back together. I noted your earlier post about cars to go with these. I got the K-Line club deal with the three scale boxcars. it really looks great. The big problem with them is that they look odd with the other traditional size cars in my colletion. I just need to keep them separated. Above all else, enjoy them. they are neat additions to the layout…
The questions are - Who did you order them from and how long ago did you order them? I guess there is a plentiful supply of both in the marketplace.
There’s a fairly plentiful supply of Plymouths out there, depending on what roadname you’re looking for, but I’m not so sure there’s a plentiful supply of the Porters (which were released far more recently). And, given K-Line’s current situation, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a new batch to be released.
My advice: If you’re looking for a Porter, in particular, do your buying now if you can locate a source.
I ordered mine right from K-Line, but that was several months ago. I agree with Allan, you should find a source and buy now if you really want them. I believe a company called “Western Depot” who is a big K-line distributor, or Hollash’s trains in Riverview, Florida.