My wife always makes comments about how much time I spend in front of the computer. “Are you staring at that monitor AGAIN?” she would ask whenever she walked by with me plunked down at the computer desk, intently staring at the screen tuned in to the MR webcam watching Cody airbrushing or gluing down ballast.
“Doesn’t your butt ever get tired?”
“No,” I would patiently reply, “it doesn’t. And if you must know, I am doing research.”
She would just sigh or roll her eyes (sometimes both) and walk away and leave me alone, at least until another opportunity for a comment would present itself. For example:
“Why are you sitting there watching the screen now? Nothing is going on,” she would ask on those occasions when no one was working on the layout. (Which was quite often.)
“Yeah but you never know when something MIGHT happen, and if I’m not here to see it, it’s like that old saying about the tree falling in the forest… oh, never mind…”
Let’s just say I miss not having the webcam on. Now I might just have to get back to working on my own layout. After all, I have countless hours of “research” under my belt… If I was the kind of person prone to falling for conspiracy theories I might just think that MR switched it off early after receiving a deluge of complaints from wives, girlfriends and assorted other relatives about the inordinate amount of research being done in front of computers all across the globe. If I WAS that kind of person.
If you are a subscriber to MR then you got to have access to a webcam that was over top of the MR&T layout as they were building there winter hill project that will be in the magazine next year.
For those unfortunates who have been living in a cave (or are currently doing so), MR had a webcam turned on allowing subscribers to watch as work took place on next years project layout, the Winter Hill section of the MR & T. Yesterday (April 30) was the last day. Those of us who were addicted to it now have to do without…[:'(]
It was on the homepage, there was a link in the top left hand corner of the page, as well under the videos tab you could have found it. The cam was turned on back in early January and yesterday was the last day for the cam.
Didn’t matter. Whenever I looked they weren’t doing anything. The concept may be nice, but too random. Now if perhaps they turned it into a min clinic by adding sound and scheduling a specific event, say laying a track switch, or building some scenary item, then we could tune for the specifics.
Obviously they couldn’t be working on the layout all the time. The randomness of it was part of the fun. Sort of when you go bird watching and you spot some rare speckled-yellow-beaked-tufted-tailed-something-or-other you only see once in a blue moon.
You would stare at the monitor hoping for something to happen and every once in a while we were treated to seeing the top of Cody’s head as he worked on the layout.