Hey i need help planning my next layout i have a space marked and the space is like roughly 5 foot by 4 foot or sumfin and i model in ho scale i can send u a plan of the room if u like plz help me!!!

First, are you going to be in HO scale, or N? With a small area like that, I would recommend N scale. If you are into HO, a "shelf"type layout is the only way to go. That type of layout is usually more of a “diorama” than it is an operating layout. If you just want to concentrate on detail, and not so much operation, that’s fine. But if you want a setup where you can really “run some trains” you need more space. I am just guessing here, but you sound like a fellow apartment dweller. I have lived in this apartment for “many moons” and I was luckey enough to gain acess to the basement a few years ago. I had grand plans for a layout down there, but even THAT space was too small. I got about halfway with the benchwork, then ripped it all out. Two things here, How long am I going to live here? And, how do I move it when I leave? Right now, I am thinking of just a 4X16 foot switching layout along one wall, built in sections so I can move it easily. Yea, I have lots of superdetailed models in boxes, and I want to do something with them, but space is the big factor.
Good luck, Todd C.

Rereading your post, I see that you are in HO. Well, bubba, I don’t know what you’re going to do with a 5X4 layout. Other than just watch them go around in circles. You really need to get some more “right of way”.
Cheers, Todd.

yeah well i kinda have a plan but the space can easily be expanded and one more thing i am going for my 2 layout and I am only 11 almost 12 my other layout is called “shepparton R&R” and it is pretty big with nearly all the structures stratchbuilt


Dpn’t let us stiffle your creativity. There is a lot you can do in 4x5 beyond a diorama. Try a small industrial complex with the main line diagonal across the layout. I did a couple of quick designs that you can download. These can easily provide an hour or more operating session and plenty of complexity for swithes, buildings, scenery, etc. Go to http://www.msu.edu/user/fust/ to get 2 Atlas Right Track software files.

You might try this web page:


2or3 years back,Lionel Strang did a small HO scale lumbering operation layout for Model Railroader.It utilized a small area with a center backdrop.It was a particularly interesting endeavor for a small area and well thought out. Perhaps one of the guys here can remember which issue that was in.Andy???

I believe the article was called: “Build the HO scale Northwest Timber Co.”, and it was a two part series starting in the December 1997 issue of ModelRR and ending in the January 1998 issue. It was a layout situated around the logging industry that did a lot in a small space (4*6, I believe). You can order back issues from Kalmbach or even get a copy of the article.

Try this url

i didnt even like any of those plans i plan to make a town on all the space and i can make staging if i have to but i prob will any way and i might even add on some more space so i can add industries on there like a brewery ar something