I need Idea's for Loco Help!

I have a kit bashed dual motored PW F-3 that was supposed to be a US Army loco, but I have decovered another loco plus the decals have taken a major dump on the F-3 and I can’t decide what to do with it now. It’s painted dingy black, has the push on side ladders and I installed brass hand rails in the front, looks really cool I might add. The problem is is that I put some small decals in areas that I don’t want repainted, like “Watch your Step”, " Fire Extingisher Inside", etc. etc. I don’t want to strip it and start over and I don’t want to spend $20 from Microscale for more US army as well as other decals. Got any ideas, maybe with pics too. Thanks

If it is dingy black, why not Penn Central? They certainly had some dingy equipment.



Stubbs, I don’t know what you mean by saying your decals have taken a dump? I’ve been repainting for as long as I’ve been back in the hobby. I have repainted cars that are now 17 years on the decals and they still look great. Granted, decals can in time fade but I haven’t had this problem yet. Maybe you did something in the process of putting them on??

And just as a side note, don’t be too confident you will find decals again once made by Microscale. They are dropping a good many 0 scale decals much to my own disappointment. Many are already gone and will not be made again, and that comes from Microscale direct as I talked to them.

I’ve found a few other companies making decals and at once point recently, posted links for those companies on this forum.