Does anyone know where I can get hold of some
MDC Roundhouse 26’ ore cars 1701 - 1703 [:(]
At the risk of being a Troglydyte - try E Bay. MDC cars are available regularly.
Lee: I’m in the same boat. I’ve been hitting the train shows with some success. The problem is I want undecorated. I do buy any I find that are priced resonably. I may have to repaint some.
I like ore cars too,but i think the stewart cars are to expensive.I hope to someday model a PennCentral ore train with a pair of the broadway alco alligators.Someday when either prices come down or i find them cheap my dream will come true. The roundhouse cars are nice i had some once. their stuff is kinda tricky to find right now thought with this whole horizen hobbies s.n.a.f.u. going on.
I’ve had some success finding items by just doing a google search. If your search turns some up, contact the hobby shop and see if they still have them (sometimes searches or inventory can be out of date). Don’t forget to search for different terms such as “MDC 1701” or “Roundhouse Ore” or any other combination. I just did a search for Walthers 1967 Mustangs to finish filling up my Accurail autorack and the search turned up three at Destination Hobby Center in Libertyville, IL. I emailed them and they held them back for me, sold me all three for just under 25 including the shipping, saved me about a buck apiece for something that out of production. Good Luck
Take some Krylon primer and presto. Undecorated.
Ebay is pretty “Full” of roundhouse ore cars.
My LHS has had some in, but maybe they just don’t sell well here, as the big railroad within 300 miles didn’t have 'em. Walthers cars might be a good bet, though.
Lee, If you are still looking for those Roundhouse ore cars give P.F. & S. Supply at call. They are on the web. They are located about ten miles north of Pasco, Washington on Highway 395.
I should know as I have purchase nearly every road name that is available. I have even doubled up on some also.