I am wanting to put the ATCS program on my computer to monitor rail traffic in my area. To do this it says I need to put a discriminator in my scanner. I have asked several people where to get one, but no one knows anything about them. Can someone out there please help me? I sure would appreciate it. Thanks so much.
A discriminator tap, to my knowledge, is not something you can buy to add to the scanner. You need to “tap in” to the scanner before the signal is passed through some of the internal circutry. This is a good place to start. Are you sure that no one is already monitoring in your area, so you could just get the feed off the internet?
Hi Gene,
The discriminator is something your scanner already has. The problem is the earphone output is filtered for sound and not data, therefore the data will not pass. What you need to do is add a tap before the discriminator (filter) circuitry. The ATCS monitor website has info on what chip and pin to tap for various scanners. But there is more to it then that, you also have to build a preamp (LM741 op-amp circuit) to prep the data signal for the computer (9 pid D shell serial port connector). I modified my own, but I am an electronics tech. I would leave this to the pros. Also keep in mind that not just any scanner will work, it has to be capable of tunning the ATCS frequencies (896 & 935 MHz). If you decide to try this and need help, let me know and I’ll do what I can…