I need some tips on making some cane farms

HELP!!! I need help on building farms

Where, when and what?

Where are you modeling? Vermont, upstate Wisconsin, Georgia?

When are you modeling? 1847, 1922, 2004?

What are you modeling? Dairy, beans, lettuce?

All of these questions effect the look of the farm, and what’s appropriate to include.

OK, heres one tip.

Instead of buying the premade too perfect “plowed field” mats, use a corrugated adhesive trowel to spread structolyte (gypsolite). Paint it brown with the “fresher” areas a shade or two darker. Weather as desired.

If you can be more specific, you will probably get a lot of help here.

Good luck,


Well I live in Carins Australia and the place is full of cane farms so I was kind of wondering if life like or walthers made something like that.

OK, now we’re getting someplace!

Australia, eh? Well, for the structures you MIGHT be able to get away with one of the European lines of kits. Look at Faller, Kibri, etc. As for the cane itself, looking at pictures like this:

It looks like using dyed fake fur (found at fabric stores in various tans; you’ll have to dye it yourself) will be the best option.

Good luck with vehicles too! I’ve never seen anything like what’s being shown on this website offered in HO scale!
