There is no such thing as a bad day at work.
If it is that awful, take up something else; yer not working right.
Hot Tubs take too long, Driving ranges are too far away. My solution is to attack a project and tear into it, something that actually needs doing and improves the home.
Work soothes your pains. Work is good. If it’s making you ill, you are not working it right.
If im really angry, it’s going to take alot of that medicine to set things right… now where did I put that bottle LOL.
The ONE good thing about working on the layout angry is, if you spend a lot of time deciding which project you’re going to work on next; you’ll soon have another project to work on; fixing the mess you just made while working on the layout angry. I tried the driving range, too. THAT only made it worse.
Ahh, gotcha.
It was a scale “BOOM!”.
I have a rule here, only one set of tools on the layout at any given time, just what I need for the current task at hand.
It keeps down the clutter.
I never mix paint on the layout.
I mix paint on the kitchen countertops, next to the sink.
Just for fun, tell your wives that and post their reaction.

That doesn’t mean ther’s never been damage to the layout from scenery operations.
I have a Spectrum Shay that still shows a tiny drop of plaster from plaster cloth if you know where to look. All the rest has been removed successfully.
Hang in there, and remember.
If you’re not having fun, you’re not doing it right.