I was testing the board with a resistor but the resistor got hot and cooked. I think the board was touching somewhere and shorted. Now when I install it all the sound effects work but it doesn’t move the loco. I insulated in all the right places as per instructions and the contacts are toching the motor contacts but it’s a no go. Does this sound like a fried board?
Don’t feel guilty…these things fry by themselves…just like that…
That is one less MRC decoder in the industry. You might want to consider Soundtraxx.
I have always felt that MRC should spend more money on research and development and less money on heavy advertising. That way, they can attempt to come up with a better product.
You did yourself a favor. One less MRC sound decoder in the world.
Does soundtraxx make a decoder for the N scale Athearn SD70M loco?
No, soundtraxx does not make any decoders that will fit into N scale diesels. You best bet is to purchase a Digitrax decoder for your loco and also buy a sound decoder (Soundtraxx, QSI or LokSound) and wire that sound decoder to the layout (speaker placed where you want it). That way, you are not limited by speaker size. It is easy to program…start with the Digitrax decoder, then lock it. Then program the Sound decoder to the same address (then lock it). MRC sound decoders do NOT support decoder locking.
David B
Digitrax has a new decoder coming this Spring that might be worth considering, the SDN144PS with sound and motor control for $50. The physical dimensions are: 1.22" x 0.405" x 0.164" / 31mm x 10.27mm x 4.16mm and should be fine for N scale. It appears to look much the same as the current SFX0416 sound only decoder.
The dimensions you are giving do not include the Cap or the Speaker. By the time you are done, you will have removed so much weight from the loco that you will have little pulling power left and poor electrical contact.
If you want sound in N scale, you should consider the SurroundTraxx product or use an under the table decoder/speaker combination.
David B