I thought I had seen it all --

In 40 years this is the first time I have seen a chassis like this. I saw it on ebay bought it because it was unique. Does anyone know who the manufacturer is(was)? I would guess it was made in the late 50’s. My guess is an Athearn drive after the rubber band and before the old one we all know and love? Notice the two horizontally offset “knobs” on the side of the fuel tank. They are the perfect alignment for an Athearn GP-9 body.

it looks like a lima base, but the lima motors were at one end with the gear box on the side, like lifelike Is it heavy? Danny

Your guess is correct. It’s an old Athearn.


No fairly light, it is bascially pot metal. The motor seems to be the heaviest thing.

Any idea the years they were manufactured? Were they rare. Manufactured only a short time? I mean I’ve seen zillions of rubber band drives, but never this one.

As I recall, they were manufactured in the late 50’s/early 60’s. I remember owning one. That was a long time ago. I was young then.

I still feel young, but when I look in the mirror, there’s this ugly old man staring back at me. [:D]


Wow, old! How does it run?