I used the Amtrak Heritiage Cars Womens Rooms in the 1980s-1990s

Since this whole bathroom fiasco with the Feds santioning NC over bathrooms

I remember on my late night trips to NYC from Cleve that I would use the womens room for extra reading and studying space on the Late Shore Limited.I would go in at 200 am and sit there for 2 hours till morning and read Hunter S Thompson and the Bible and catch up on my homework. They had a leather back mini couch and from the murals on the wall it was defintaly Sante Fe Heritage. I would lock the doors and no one bothered me. Now the bathrooms look like they are outta the county jail. I am sorry to any lady that needed to use the bathroom but back then in the 80s you had to be quite adventurouse to ride Amtrak.