I want to Talk to emdgp92

QUOTE: Originally posted by emdgp92

My own Waynesburg & Washington is a composite of a few locations on the real narrow-gauge W&W, which ran between those two towns in southwest PA. Even though it went out of business years ago, I model it as it would have existed during the late 1970s, but with standard-gauge equipment. I’ve applied for (and received) my modeler’s license. W&W operations terminated in Waynesburg, PA. However, I’ve extended the line south to interchange with the Monogahela RR. The northern interchange is with the B&O in Washington. Engines are painted PC black, with W&W lettering in place of PC’s. Frieght cars are PC green with W&W lettering.

emdgp92, Would love to talk to another modeler of the W&W RR.

Carpenter Matt,

he hasn’t posted on the forum since April, so he may not be reading posts on a regular basis. Good Luck though.

Thanks Krump, Funny looking through a search on Yahoo on the W &W RR brought me to his post here where he metioned he was modeling it, It excited me already being a member here at trains.com. When you model a small line like the W&W RR (28total miles) and find another modeler doing it it puts a smile on your face knowing your not alone.

How do you get a modelers liscense


In the post that YOU quoted, the poster says he applied for and recieved his modelers license.
I’m also curious as to what a modelers license is. Dave

Beats Me! I guess i missed that part due to my (excitedness( word?) of finding another modeler of the W &W RR.

excitedness… sounds good to me.[:D] Dave

I received my modeler’s license with the first kit that I bought…didn’t you??? As a matter of fact, I just had my modeler’s license renewed last week!