Hello everybody,
I am a new member to this forum and I am getting ready to start my layout. I have some gargraves track and sturdy platform built…I would love to see your layouts for some Much needed inspiration. Anyone care to share some pics?
Welcome aboard Tom , i’m new to have not started a layout yet but it is in the works .
Welcome on board, Tom.
I have a thread regarding my layout.
Leeds Sovereign Street & Clarence Dock
Batman, that is quite a layout.
Tom, welcome to the Forum. I see you have GarGraves track. What do you plan to use for turnouts? Below are some pictures of a layout I started years ago using GarGraves track. I had to move prior to getting past this point. Turnouts were a mix of Gilbert, Old GarGraves #4’s and some ROW Industries #4’s.
My current layout uses SHS/MTH flex track with hand laid #5, #6 and #8 turnouts.
This photo reminds me of the start of my current layout back in 2018.
Here are photos of my layout surface, both ends and the middle.
Here’s a couple pics taken over the years, some before the scenery had reached its current state.
First, we catch the observation car of the Texas Eagle rounding the curve at Notch Junction while a narrow gauge Ozark Mountain RR freight climbing the grade up Roark Mountain to Marmaros:
Next, we see a wider view of the same place as a MoPac Main train carries troops and equipment toward St. Louis. This wider view shows the farmstead on the inside of the curve:
This next view shows the tipple of the Lucky Silver Mine’s Shaft #1, on the top of Roark Mountain on the edge of Marmaros. In the center of town, you can make out the 1881 Hotel the old station, since replaced, and the corner of the engine house:
This last view shows a speeding MoPac Time Freight caught on the big, double-track Warren Truss bridge over the White River. The photographer is standing on a sandbar in the middle of the river at low water:
Still a work in process, but here’s where I am now. The main platform is 12x24, and the freight yard extension is ten 12 foot tracks. The single mainline is 140 feet in a folded dogbone, and there are three other smaller loops.
Batman love the foam levels you created. landscaping should look great and just enough track to not look cluttered.
Hi Amflyer Tom, love the pics. I plan on using ross with tortoise switches. still figuring out which ones though…
Hey Rich,
benchwork looks very similar. did you ever finalize a track plan?
David , I love the detail you have put into your layout. awesome
Hi Palallin,
I think the bridge photo is my favorite.
Hi gunrunnerjohn,
wow this is very cool. your layout gives me lots of ideas and I only hope my wiring turns out as neat and organized as yours. Awesome.
I did and that “peninsula” has undergone three transformations, first a farm scene, then an engine servicing facility and now a passenger train station.
Well, I’ve seen a lot neater wiring jobs, but I can follow what I did, so I figured it was “done”.