Ideas for my new clubs layout please

Hey Ya’ll

My friends and I have formed a 3-rail club (see “Wow, I am 13 and have created a 3-rail club”) and we are looking for ides for our 8x12 layout.

Here is what we have come up with:

Turntable and 3 stall roundhouse
engine serviing facilities (2)
2 track locomotive shed
Coal Yrd
Lumber Yard
Shipping and crane company
small train station
medium sized passenger tminal at main terminus
country town
large town
highway parraleling the railroad tracks for s short stretch

We have alot of space, and we want to keep it like a line throught the country side, yet with big main line equipment.

If you have any suggestions, we would love to have them, as we have alot of space


A grave yard with tombstones can be a very funny scene. [:D]
A big bridge over 36" in length
A tunnel
A swimming hole
A pond with a beaver hut and fisherman
A hobo campfire
A haunted house
A campground with hikers and campers

Get some cheap buildings and make signs that are the same as the stores in your area. People will relate [:D][:D][:D][:D][:D][:D]

That sound good.

By the way, after visiting Philidelphia, seeing more trains than I ever imagined, seeing the lage Union Station and The Acela Express, Seeing the lovely stone viaducts, and the al aorund city atmosphere, I think, since we are ging to build this at my friend Robert’s house (hi dad i a Lionel collecot, so he sympathises and said we could us as much sapce we needed in the biggest availible room in the house), I would lke to build a miniture version of Philly.

Does anybody make a O scale union station. I looking for one like the walthers HO union station. I will shorten the station to about 6 tracks (the rest will bee in the backdrop fo that and Philidelphia.

There are alot of stone viaducts up there (most of them are railroad bridges, but there are some road ones too. So I think a six foot long stone viaduct will be suitable.

We plan to use 0-72 and 0-84 curves, We will use grargraves track and roos custom switches. I think when I show them my pictures from the trip, they will readily agree.
The sceanery is like that of the mountains in the fall, even in the country. It is beutiful.

The terrain is hilly and almost mountainy in some places. That is what I wanted on the layout too. We will make fall sceanery for the layout. I am sure it will look fabulous.

Wish us luck


Any more suggestions and coments would be appriciated

You said earlier that you would build both O and S layouts. How about putting the S stuff in the middle, at a higher level, for a forced-perspective effect, and having one big layout?

Think about having some hidden or open staging tracks so you can have several made up trains ready to pull out and run. This is also handy for individual club members to have a place to set up a consist and store it without interfering with the main line and yards. Otherwise what can happen is all the yards and sidings become clogged with members locos and cars.

Hey Ya’ll

I am not to crazy about having the S gauge on the same board, I think I will just restore the ones I have and put them in a box to take out when I have little kids over who aren’t old enough to operate the railroad.
