Oh LAughing so hard my sides are hurting…Gotta getmy breath back Oh my…
3rd term??? Are you Insane???
OK just trying to point out that W has alot more issues dogging him than just whether he backs Amtrak…
Lets see, approval rating 36-38% one of the lowest in history
My grandkids will still be staggering under his national dept.
Iraq is FUBAR 4 years and mega billion$ later
N. Korea now has the bomb
Iran knows it would be insanity for us to bomb them
Croonie-ism works great! Just look how well Katrina was handled.
Secret prisons…illegal phone tapping… Paging Mr Orwell, paging Mr Orwell
Homeland security is STILL slack 4 years and Billions $ later.
His own Congress is ignoring him more and more, they cant wait to be rid of him
and bigget F-up in his Presidency, Osama’s still laughing at us…Unforgivable!!!
…and you think backing Amtrak will help him ???
1st off…Can’t do a third term without a joint act of Congress and the Senate with I believe a 2/3 majority and possibly a 2/3 statewide ratification, and the likelyhood of that happening is about as remote as Billy Graham converting to Scientology.
Please…3rd term thats all we need, give this knucklehead a chance to bomb Iran and send a million screaming-mad Iranians over the border into Iraq and Afganistan…
Oh Yeah but we’ll have Amtrak running, and he’ll need it to ship all those troops he’ll have to draft to fight the"new" war against Iran and to ship the whatever troops are left around the country to quell draft riots nationwide. Or maybe he can use “Guest Worker Troops”
This President arrogancy has put him completely out of touch with many in his own party, and I suspect that even some Repubs realize that the sooner there rid of him the better.