If this was yours, ...road or no road?

Between the rear bents (in the center)is a road that turns to the right and would disapear behind some trees at the back

Question, I kinda think its to busy looking with too many roads, however the road would give a destination for logging trucks to disapear too. (Yes I know that way is in a river LOL), does it look OK or should the area be forested ?

lower right hand road to track services a 9 x 24 inch area, a poss CDF fire camp, or another log landing, to be decided later.

On the right side, right of the bent there is a small shelf road formed in the screen, (grey area) of which will be a cat skidding trail bringing logs to a log landing at the base of the bents.

Of course none of this is under the Keddie wye, including the pond, of which I want to try my hand at a scummmmie pond.

Give me your thoughts, other then setting a back fire to the whole mess…Hmmmm…LOL…John


A road will fit in the space available, and you could forest heavily on either side of it to get a wilderness feel, or cut back the trees leaving stumps or cleared areas for development, so I say add the road.

A lot depends on your taste, and how close you want to adhere to prototype, but if it was mine, I’d put in the road.

I’d say go for the road. If in the future you decide you don’t want it there, you can always put in some trees and make into an old road that hasn’t been used in a lot of years. Mike

Adding a road, even a logging road opens a door to another vinette to model. I think of layout in layers, a view from a distance then close at details in pockets of intrest. Subtle details missed at a distance but seen upon close inspection, adds intrest and depth to a layout without being busy. Add the road.

Everyone else says yes but i say No because of your own first impression of looking too busy

in the end it’s YOUR railroad so make yourself happy

Ok I’ll keep the road, perhaps a bit narrower…However If dont like it, I KNOW WHERE YOU GUYS LIVE

Thanks guys,… and as soon as the coffee gets hot… I will get back in there.John

Oooooo-kay, just watch the claymores on your way in.


So, since you still have doubts, why not mock it up and audition it both ways for a while , running some trains and see which way you like it best?

Stuff some extra trees in there, see how the “no-road” option works for a week or so, then pull the trees and set up a construction paper “road” and see how you like that. I buy lots of stuff for the layout here, but nothing goes in permanent until it has successfully pased the test of time. Install them temporarily, move them around till I like them, and only then look for a long term installation. Even then, if something will stay where I put it, it doesn’t get glued or fixed in place, that way the layout can change over time and will end up as perfect as I want it to be.