…by a millionare and you could spend it only on five items, what would you spend it on?
Hey Redneck,
Give me a blank check and I would go and find five of the most expensive trains I could find and buy them. After being absent form this hobby for over 50 years and only being back into it for a year, I cant get enough its just my pockets arent deep enough. For example check out the train (not for sale) but display only, on the Sunday Photo Fun from dbaker48. If that didnt spend all of the money I would give the rest to some under privelidged child so he could start to get into this hobby at an early age.
aside from finding a church charity that doesnt squander the $$$; I’d get myself a ranch in Idaho and build a narrow gauge railroady in the back 40; or better yet, buy an abandoned railroad and fix it up; like Royal Gorge line or something
I’ll take this, and I only need one, not five.
I’d buy one of these and cruise around the country
If I had a million and I could only get FIVE items:
I’d tithe $100,000 to Hal Lindsey ministries, on Daystar TV at 10:30 PM CST
I’d sink $850,000 into a train building
A ton of Gargraves track
A new small truck or SUV for $20,000 or so
A gift card from Lowes for the rest of the cash. That way I could build the layout of my dreams.
I’d get a brand new Dodge Dually($55,000), everything in the new Lionel catalog, half the MTH Catalog, a new Browning shotgun and rifle, and a custom .45 from Kimber America wouldn’t hurt either.
I’d buy a restored caboose and have it put on rails in the back yard. Then I’d build a layout in it. Joe
I’d give 90% to help the poor and feel more than blessed by the Lord with the remaining 10%. I might even get an RMT Beep.
Guess my attitude has changed having personally known what it is like to not have enough food to eat, not knowing where the current month’s rent will come from, never mind the next month - and all from circumstances I did not choose nor had any real control over. But the Lord works in strange ways I still don’t entirely understand. But I had to be completely broken and on my knees (and I was) before I could be put back together again.
I’ve seen the BEEP’s, and watched them run and would like to have one someday. That would be more than enough new engine for me. Might even get a second one for my nephew. I might not have to repaint them either to have them in a current road name like Norfolk Southern, and that would be an absolute first for me.
3)buy PRR M1a 6755 and restore to running ,this includes greasing whatever palms to have a place to run)
4)donate to the RR Museum of Pa
5)spend some foolishly
Apart from the obvious - retirement, fixing the house, new used car - I would splurge on Standard Gauge items: I would like to buy that new Voltamp repro Interurban by Pride Lines and some of their trolleys and some of the MTH items.
Guess I woud still have some $ left over…