Being one that has started and been running my own business from the ground up, I would fibbin through my teeth if I said I have never dreamed about it. Hell of a dream. I wont get past my own railroad in the garage… So, I live with that.
A couple of things though to think about as I have thought of…
I am not sure what kind of money backing you have or resoucres, but one option is to buy out right, or buy into a exsting short line. There are 100’s of them all across the US. Might be eaiser way in.
I would lease up front and out right. Several reasons… Much cheaper in startup. Easeir to come up with 10,000 then 100,000. Also, chances are if you lease, they will only be too happy to provide personal for service. (they get to keep an eye or thier goods plus, get more cash from you)
It could also make it easier to get money from a bank or investors. Canceling a service in one thing, getting stuck with a yard with half-a-dozen 30 year old engines does not go over well with the bank or investors. If it cant float, make drinks, or go on a golf course, they wont want it.
And the last big thing, lets say you find a route, or an aera, (prefferably that used to have rail service. I think of a good place out in Casa Grande, AZ UP yanked up local service) so some of the infastructure is all ready there. If rail service has been gone for awhile, then so has the business.
I would take a guess at 2 to 5 years before you could reseaonably expect to get business to come back. Would have wait for them to return, plus you would have to prove to them you are going to be around for awhile. Again leasing could be a good thing, definatly if there is a healthy prectange of seasonal traffic. (Buidling materails, farming, produce)
Then there is still that little pesky issue of getting a Class 1 to accept your traffic.[V]