Ignore please.

Please see other poll, this one I goofed up and do not know how to remove this post. Please, dont no respond andlet it drop… unless you know how to do delete. Thanks

It would be easier for us to pick one if we knew a little about your RR. Is it set in the mountains, if so, where. What era? What RR’s does it interchange with, if any. What do you haul mostly? What town’s does it serve?

The only reason I ask all this is that it helps to give us a the “flavor” that your after. Then the choices get narrowed down.

I like the Kiva & Eastern, and Kiva & Northern, does your railroad run north, or east out of Kiva? or just plain Kiva Northern, with a KN logo like the CN wet noodle.

John, what’s the locale for your RR? Southwest? Mountains? or where? That might make one name fit better than some others. Without knowing the locale, I find myself leaning toward Kiva Valley RR or Kiva & Northern (since your older layouts had some conifer forest sections to them). Just my [2c].

Good luck with whatever you decide on for a name. Remember, it’s your layout, so go with what you are comfortable. Anyone else doesn’t like it, use the old rule of thumb I heard: show 'em the door… [;)]


Jim in Cape Girardeau