Does anybody of you own an IHC 4-8-2 and can tell me something about the pulling power of these locomotives? I have an 22 car freight train (all cars being plastic by Athearn, Bachmann and IHC) that I would like to be pulled by one, but I´m not sure if they have enough power to pull such a train as I know they are quite light and don´t have traction tires. So I would like to know if they can handle such a train before I purchase, because I don´t wanna purchase one and then realize I can´t use it for that train.
For years, I ran the GN version of this IHC engine. It was a great runner and good puller of about six Bachmann HW passenger cars without problems. It ran on a large club layout with 2% grades. If your layout is relatively flat, your cars are smooth running and your can slip a little more weight over the drivers, I think it will pull a train of close to that length. I also found the early version engine to be fairly easy to convert to DCC. If I recall correctly, later versions were DCC ready.
I heard that the IHC Mountains run quite well and that they are also know for longevity. But I´m pretty sure they were never DCC ready. Only their 2-10-2´s are DCC ready so far as I know. Anyway, your answer gave me hope that it might be possible as all my freight cars roll free and I don´t have serious grades.
I have an older AHM 2-8-4 Berkshire and it had no trouble pulling 39 coal hoppers with loads around my layout. I did pack as much lead as would fit inside the locomotive, and my layout is basically flat, no grades.
Well aren´t the AHM/Rivarossi Berks generally heavier than the IHC Mountains?
The AHM Berkshire is actually about as light as an IHC 2-8-2, but it has a traction tire to help with pulling. There’s a lot of open space inside where weight can be added. IHC steam engines typically have most all open space in the boiler filled with solid lead, so even though the frame and everything else is plastic, they have some pretty decent traction.
A friend has one of those IHC locos, and it’s a pretty decent puller, so as long as you don’t have long or steep grades or really tight curves, it should handle that train.
Even this little switcher can handle 20 or-so such cars…
…but it doesn’t have to do so on grades. [swg]