IHC website down

I’ve been trying to access the IHC website - www.ihc-hobby.com - with no success for several days. Is the a problem with the company, has the site moved, or is it simply a down server?


don’t load for me either, I suspect their server is down

Or they are going CH.11 for what the third time since they were AHM if true?

Isn’t loading for me, either, and I have cable internet.

I guess their website speaks for their products…

It is off the net. I ran a ping and trace route and nothing.

I smell bankruptcy.

Wouldn’t surprise me.

Didnt load for me either.


Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]


This has happened before and all of a sudden it started working again.

It might just be the server.


I called their number and got the answering machine.


If they are having financial problems, maybe Walthers can buy them and add steam to their trainline engines.

The last time I ordered anything from IHC via the internet (about 3 months ago) I didn’t even get an acknowledgment. I waited 3 weeks and phoned them. The lady I spoke to said she would check into it and call back if there was a problem. Three days later I received my order with a shipping charge of $20.00! After waiting nearly a month I doubt if most customers would then expect/need 2nd day delivery with a $20.00 charge.

I e-mailed them to complain about it but never got a response. I will not miss them if they do go out of business.

The website seems to be working now.

Maybe just a gremlin in the system.


What a loss this would be, What would i do without my four page spread full of cheapo kits?

The sites back up.


The website is working now!

SWEET! It’s back up! Maybe there’s still hope for my CPR Hudson!