It’s been a while since I’ve been around much. When last here back around January, the first half of the bench work in the new train/storage building had just been completed. As has happened several times over the last 25 or so years, life has put a big crimp in my layout plans. To make a long story short, unexpected health issues have left me unable to walk more than a few feet, and then only with a walker…and unable to stand for more than 2-3 minuets, and then only while holding on to something. Chances for further recovery are a long shot…but not impossible. As-is, I can not even get to the train/storage building…and even if I could, my ability to construct an 18’x8’ F shaped N scale layout is seriously in doubt.
My only option for having a layout is something small and portable…smaller than even a HDC layout. I have zero accessible space to dedicate to a layout. What ever I do has to be able to be quickly and easily set-up/stowed by me without assistance (I am typically home alone 10-12 hours a day). My main interest in building a layout has always been running passenger trains…not very conducive to small and portable. Before having the space to take a shot at building the “Big F”, I’d spent almost 2 years trying to come up with a passenger train friendly HCD based layout. I never got to the point of actually laying track because every time I came up with a plan, my doubt in being able to be happy with a “tail chaser” took over. Also, I had managed to accumulate most of the Unitrack I was going to need for the “Big F”…a large portion not really conducive to use in building small and portable.
At this point I am at a loss for what to do. I really do not want to give up on having a layout…I do not want all of the N scale stuff I’ve accumulated to go the way of the HO stuff I accumulated…in storage tubes in the now inacessible basement. Also,
Second, many of us here have had some serious varying medical issues come up within the last 12 months. Stop by Elliots Trackside Diner sometime, we are all free to talk about jsut about anything there, including lamenting our varying sufferings.
THird, there must be SOMEPLACE you can “force an issue” to have the space for a small N scale layout I would think. Even if only a book shelf in a book case. I forced the issue with a 3.5 x5.1 FOOT HO layout {that’s right HO and 3 and half feet by 5 feet} . I may have to take it down to gain better access to the room it is in as it is a tiny bedroom we also use as “junk room, extra closet and storage space” for just about everything and I can hardly get into the room now. It has been suggested I look at a “shelf layout” for my HO, but I like continuous running trains so that makes it a bit difficult ot go to switching shelf layout only, but I could just to keep something MRR to do.
Fourth. Heres an idea- How about starting a small business building highly detailed structures in any scale you like to sell on e-bay? That could keep you busy for awhile.
Just some ideas. Hope you feel better and aren’t restricted to “armchair modeling” and lamenting your losses! [;)]
I’m sorry to hear about your injuries. I hope you can find something to help pass the time.
With regards to layout suggestions, I remember seeing ads in Model Railroader for pre-fab 2’ x 4’ N scale layouts, ready-to-run - all they need are scenery, trains and control system. This would take care of the benchwork and tracklaying, and also allow you to get trains running immediately. A layout of this size would probably be able to slip under a bed or into a cupboard when you’re not running it, too.
Clearify for me: Is the question of size based on your endurance, or actual space? If the former, then maybe we have an actual use for layout builders.
Or just good friends. I know that takes the fun out of it, but killing yourself isn’t worth it either.
An F can be portable. Maybe not small, but it can be portable. While you are laid up, re-read the MRR Beer Line series. They did an F shape, and it would be possible to scale it down. Dad and I built modules out of 1x4 boatdss and a lightweight board top into 2x4 modules. Probably, nothing will be portable for you right now, but these are pretty sturdy pieces for a layout. I wouldn’t climb on them, but the point is to think small so you don’t have too. And also, 1x4s are extremely light.
It may also be time to get a firend to help you by being your set of arms in the basement. When Dad was alive, we propped him in a chair, and said “How about this?”. If that’s the route you go, then do yourself a favor and work in short bursts that way, so that you don’t depress yourself.
Either or, I hope you can get back to the healthiest state possible and can continue to enjoy life.
A friend of mine has a walker/seat on wheels, helps him a lot, though he doesn’t have the degree of difficulty you seem to.
As for a layout to run long passenger trains. could you get permission for an around the room shelf at a height you can work on from a roll around stool or such? You might have to have lift outs at each door, but they would be easier to move than a whole layout. If there is a side where it could be a little wider, you’d have a chance for deeper scenery or a small yard.
Like the rest of us, get some simple benchwork down and run some trains and hopefully this will give you the inscentive to keep going, add to and improve your layout. Hopefully a little progress will lead to more progress, both in your layout and your recovery.
Dutch door it. (Or lift gate) Don’t mess with unnattached pieces of the layout. If you drop it, or can’t get it to go back into place right away, you’ll wind yorself.
OOH! better yet, any interest in a lift bridge? A REAL BIG lift bridge?
Zandoz, if you have a local train club or hobby shop that is where I start. Model Railroaders has a whole are pretty decent people and more than likely help. I know I would if you lived close by.
Any scout troops or youth organizations around you? Kids love trains and have a lot of energy, I love it when Simon 1966 brings his Lads over, things happen. [:D] The promise of running trains and with your guides could be a lot of fun. I love having kids over, make me feel young again, and with the right BBQ sauces quite tasty! [dinner]
I feel sorry for you. But I have the perfect solution: . Read the entire website, as I am sure that there is something for you.
If I were in your shoes, I would be mighty tempted to go for a super detailed diorama. A diorama does not provide the excitement of running trains, but with time and patience, you could produce something quite wonderful that you could derive some real satisfaction from.
I’ve never really checked out the diner before…I guess I’ll be doing that soon.
Space really is the HUGE issue here. I only have access to 2 rooms of the house, my bedroom and the kitchen. My bedroom is small to begin with, and with all the medically necessary stuff there is only about a 4’ walkway through the room…and I need a minimum of about 3’ to maneuver through the room. I really wish I could wrap my brain around the idea of a bookshelf switching layout, but my passion in this
I’ve looked at a couple of the pre-fab layouts on ebay, and I’ve been seriously tempted to take the plunge…but then the reality of my Super Chiefs on 11" or smaller radii curves set in…LOL. Fortunately once I figure out what to build, building the benchwork will probably be the least daunting part of it. I have most of the materials needed…and all the power tools (many portable so they can be brought to me)…along with a wife who knows her way around a table saw.
Right now, the folding into a cupboard idea is the most promising…stowable and easy acces to the bottom side for wiring when folded up. Hmmmmmm…
There are a couple issues with building the Big F I had planned.
First is accessability. It was to be in a separate building across the yard. As things stand now I can not even get out of the house without assistance…assistance I do not have durring most of the time I’d be wanting to work on the layout.
The second issue would be my ability to actually do the work necessary. The two penninsulas of the F were both planned to be 3.5 to 4 foot wide, which would require a lot of standing to work on the center areas. Also, I no longer have the ability to get under a built-in layout for wiring or such.
I do have a friend I can call on for help, but in my condition now, I feel that the amount of work I’d need him to do would be too great of an imposition on him.
I wish I had the available wall space for an around the room shelf. With all the necessary stuff in my room, plus an entry door, a 6 ft patio door, and a closet door, the lift out/up or swing sections would be a nightmare.
Actually, my some day plans for the train/storage building with the N scale BigF was for a narrow arouond the room HO shelf layout above the BigF.
If I get to the point where I can get around enough, all that sounds good…especially seeing if maybe there is a scout troup around that would be interested in taking on the project with me supplying materials. Wife has already been asking about reclaiming for storage the space where the current benchwork is… this gives me an excuse not to let go of the space…LOL.
I may well end up doing one of those super small layouts just to have something to do for now. That would be a good use for the Kato Santa Fe starter set that I got when I started in N scale. It would not be my beloved passenger trains, but it would be something. Now I have to start thinking about a theme.
I really do not have the skills for super detailed, but somethinig that does keep sticking in the back of my mind is somethinig along the lines of T-Trak modules [shrug]
I noticed in your signature that you are interested in the Wabash line. What scale? I grew up along the Wabash 5th district, and when I was in HO I collected Wabash. I still have a lot of unbuilt HO Wabash kits kits from 10-20 years ago stored away.
Switching Layout idea: Given any thought to Pasasenger Terminals? There’s a lot of work i n turning a passenger train, you have to restock the diner and the lounges, put fresh linens into the Sleepers, (All that means is switching move through the commisary) rewater the water drums (anything with a kitchem a shower, or a toilet will need water), switch the Head End, spin the Observation around (Turnrtable or wye) and even run 'er through a trainwash if you need something else to do. It can be a switching Shelf, or a starter layout. It isn’t running passenger trains, but it does use them. Plus, then the commisary will need restocked.
Also on wqiring, if you can get lightweight benchwork, is there a patio table low enough to work on? Maybe we run wiring first through the ends like th modular groups do to connect it with plugs, and tape the layout plan to the underside so you know where ot put feeders, then flip the module over and do the track/scenery? Thatway, you aren’t laying under, it comes to you. It’s backwards of normal, but I think it’ll work.
Can’t really help with any suggestions, other than those already made, but delighted to see you back. Really sorry to hear about your problems, it must be so very frustrating to lose some of your flexibility and so much of your mobility, apart from the boredom. At 68, I count myself lucky to be in relatively good health and mobile. Any ways, stay in touch with us on the forums - we’re always there for you.
No, I had not really thought along those lines…my focus has always been towards the passenger trains running through scenery. But if I do not come up with anything else, that may well be a way of putting what I have to some use rather than just storing it.