Illinois Central passenger cars

Where can I find HO passenger cars-Illinois Central


Walthers has them,Con Cor and a few others…Do a ‘‘Google’’,search for,Illinois Central Passenger Cars and it will take you to prototype and models and their manufactures and suppliers…



Based upon a review of the Walthers web site, it appears that there have been five manufacturers of IC passenger cars - - - Con Cor, IHC, Rivarossi, Rapido, and Walthers.

You might check eBay to see what may be available there.



I’ve wrestled with this for years, and finally got it “figured out”…

The sets put out by Rivorossi (and under another name) were OK and the price was right. BUT, their orange color did not match the available locos. I got them anyway, but quickly replaced them when Walthers came out with both heavy and light weight cars. The colors matched my P2K E units exactly!

Check Walthers website as often (if they have any) they are on sale. Otherwise, Ebay is your best bet. Oh, remember, anything you are looking for will eventually show up on Ebay - so be patient and persistant.