Illinois Railway Museum sponsoring tour of Chicago 'L' lines

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Illinois Railway Museum sponsoring tour of Chicago ‘L’ lines

National Railway Historical Society Heritage Grant Program

Short fuse. This should be an annual thingie.

A very nice shot and very well composed. But somebody gets an “F” for writing the caption. The view is in downtown Chicago, about as far from S. 54th Avenue and W. Cermak Road on the west end of the Pink Line as you can get. The mass of downtown-like buildings in the background provide an obvious hint as to location. The photographer appears to be standing on the Wabash/Madison station platform in the Loop, facing south with a very strong tele, and looking past the Adams St. station. The NB train is coming off the s-curve just south of Congress Parkway.

I agree that the description of the picture is completely wrong, but I’m not sure that the offered correction is right either. This is one of the four corners of the Loop elevated and my best guess it is Wells and Lake. The through track crossing in front of the train looks like the Lake (Green Line) entrance to the Loop going East on Lake and then South on Wabash. The 2400s are turning South on Wells. If anyone has a better idea, please post.

Robert, if you are who I think you are, meaning from IRM, please help with the picture description. I belonged to IRM many years ago, and actually operated some of the streetcars. I believe I remember you, and you would definitely know the inner workings of Chicago transit. As one gets older it is good to check-up on memories, so is that the Lake and Wells corner that I think I remember?

Agree that the photo does not fit the caption. And for Mr Hays in Montana, IT IS an annual event, rarely missing a spring trip. Do not miss this one!

Bob Kutella

Is that the s-curve that was given a bit of straightening a few years ago? I remember it as being a very tight low-speed set of kinks in the '50s & '60s.