Eric, has a number of threads indicating that UP has recently posted new signs along the right-of-way around Tehachapi (the thread by the Webmaster includes a photograph of such a sign). Not having been there, I don’t know the roads and locations they’re talking about, but (even though my employee ID just might count for something), I don’t trespass. If there is a way to see the Loop without encountering any such problems, I’m definitely still game.
Hmmmmmm…that sounds an awful lot like what happened on the Moffat Sub. I’ll post one of the pics I shot of the new signs tomorrow…Sigh…guess I just have to get a little more creative and find shots from public property
Carl, you might look over the thread linked below. I also sent you an e-mail that should give you an idea of what you can see from the public roads.
Don’t worry Carl, there are pleanty of places to view the loop and the rest of the line from public property. And UP can’t really keep you away from the loop because they don’t own all the land around it, there is a private ranch there. Besides I think there are better places to railfan that line from.