I received the carton that the 2nd Dream Plan Build DVD comes in but there is one problem, NOTHING IS IN THE CARTON!!![:(!][:(!][:(!][:(!] The carton was not opened before I received it. The only thing I received besides the carton is the invoice. I emailed MR about it but I just need to blow of steam[;)].
Blowing off steam is always a good thing (especially with steam locomotives[:D]) I’ve never been on the forum when I’m really MAD (good thing or EVERYONE here would hate me)
It happens. I took the subway all the way down to Sam’s Records on Yonge St. in Hog Town a few years back, found a rather expensive Chieftains CD, made the return trip, opened up the case to play it and…WTF!!![:O]…nada!!!
a) interested in model railroading
b) very good at resealing packages !
hehe kidding
these things happen from time to time . for example i ordered the 1st dvd in joe fugate’s siskiyou line series and when it arrived it was actually the dvd of his DCC presentation at a nmra meet , which i already owned . an email to the company that does joe’s distribution got me a quick response and the correct dvd in the mail a couple of days later .
it’s not the occasional screwup that is a problem , it’s how the company deals with it that is important . i’m sure MR will fix you up asap
thats what i did when they acsidently mest up my subscription and were sending me two issues a month, one for my middle, and one for my first name, so just called and they got the other subscription canceled in 5 minutes flat, the wierd thing was, i started my subscription and recieved the november issue, then recieved 2 decembers, didnt take notice of the different names, just thought it was a mess up in the mailing system or somthing, then recieved 2 january’s and relized the problem, but the wierd thing was both of the extra issues went missing
Don’t feel too bad. A friend of mine bought a DVD from Walmart a while back and opened it to find nothing. Of course he took it back and they gave him another one. Sometimes it’s just human error in the packing department or some jerk playing what he calls a practical joke on some poor unsuspecting consumer. I personally don’t have much of a sense of humor about things like that…