I'm on a roll! (won 2 more ebay items tonight!)

For those who read or responded to my first ebay related post a few weeks ago, I can put my 2nd and 3rd wins under my belt! One kit (Walthers Northern Light & Power) I got for only $17!! I was the only bidder, but I watched it to the end, just in case I needed to snipe. Thirty seconds later, I noticed the same seller had another kit I wanted (Walthers Transmission Towers) but only had 30 seconds left! After refreshing twice, I sniped it in under 15 seconds, got the highest bid on it and won! The seller even emailed me and told me if I win any of his other auctions this week he’ll do free shipping on any additional items. He’s got at least one that I’m already watching, and it’s going for well under the retail price! Here’s hoping!

SpaceMouse, you were right… late night snipe attacks… and I’m going broke!! LOL

Thanks for the ebay advice everybody!

Alas poor jshrade has discovered the insidious appeal of Ebay and is now on the downward slope to an Auction Junky!! Better watch it, next thing you know you will be haunting the brass auctions wondering why you bought so many. Seriously though congratulations and I’ll look forward to you joining our Ebay Anonymous group. Happy hunting and congratulations again!!

congrats on the 100 posts.

I got lucky, I was really getting hooked on e-bay. Even watching auctions at work (not the easyest thing to do in a kitchen!) Then I succeded in getting what I really wanted (a steam engine kit) and was able to stop before I got myself in real trouble. (with my wife!)

yep, still to get my 100. Good news that ebay actually works, it’s not all just phantom people with phantom kits. good luck everyone.[soapbox][soapbox][^][^][^]