i’m thinking of putting building flats agains a view block on a pennisula, some which have have loading docks which cars could be spotted at.
does anyone know of a website with images that i could print and attach to the view block?
i’m thinking of putting building flats agains a view block on a pennisula, some which have have loading docks which cars could be spotted at.
does anyone know of a website with images that i could print and attach to the view block?
Are you saying that you want to place images on the view block and then building flats in front of the images?
https://www.trainjunkies.com/ has many backdrops available and they can print them to your specification (length/ height/ etc).
i’d considering temporarily attaching printing buildings to decide which build flats might work and until i get the building flat
Ahh, got it.
Flickr* is my go-to site for finding photos and some users allow you do download photos (I do)
In 10 minutes of searching I found this photo which I flipped and merged in Photoshop:
duisburg (57) by hans m., on Flickr
Note the downloadable file size is generous so that further editing is possible. Lots of online images are nothing but thumbnails. So I downloaded the 6 meg file, duplicated and flipped the image into left and right views and merged them:
Factory Brick wide by Edmund, on Flickr
I should have adjusted the perspective (camera distortion) before I merged them but… this is just as an example. It would have eliminated the ‘vee’ appearance at the center. I only messed with it for a few minutes.
The above is a reduced size. If you go to my Flickr album you can download an 11 meg file if you’d like. Below is another example:
There’s about 10 billion photos at Flickr. 25 million are uploaded daily. Once you learn a few tricks for searching you can find lots of useful photos.
Good Luck, Ed
Ed to the rescue, as always.
Try scalescenes.com. They’re a British company that produces some very good kits and scratch building sheets for card models for download and print at very reasonable prices. (Based on current exchange rates of course, but usually only a couple of dollars per kit). I used they’re textures to come up with all sorts of buildings beyond what their kits start with. I even built a 5 foot long, 18 inch high O scale curved brick arch viaduct using their texture sheets.
I also have the web addresses of hundreds of paper and card models free to download that would let you create what you need in exactly the right size and with the features you want.
Greg, it depends on how much room you have but I’ve seen building images printed, laid out in layers, then the visible portions cut out, glued to 1/8” MDF which was then layered with a very small gap between each layer, on to the back drop/view block. To my eye this gave an effective illusion of depth yet occupied less than 1 ½ inches in depth.
Just my ½ cents worth,
Cheers, the Bear.