What do you guys on here think of Imex structures?
I’m thinking on buying a couple for my layout:The Mid State Bank and the Woolworth’s.
Couple years back,I bought the Supermarket.
Looks nice.I need to modify it just a little:An Ice Machine and Coke Machine out front;a stretch of sidewalk;some shopping carts and shoppers.
Which leads me to my next question:How would you go about making a mechanical horse for a supermarket??I’ve been brainstorming on a way to do it.Any suggestions??
The Imex buildings strike me more as backgroung pieces, as they are solid & dont easily allow lighting etc. As far as your supermarket horse, an “N” scale horse should be OK on a simple base. My[2c]
Thanks Lou.For the most part,I plan to use the Mid State Bank on one of my towns because it just has that Small Town East Texas look about it,so I really don’t have to worry about lighting.
Drive through most small towns at night and very few buildings are lit up.