Here’s an update, from a friend of the train sim community. . There’s an e-mail entry, for more updates, and the Raildriver website, is always a place to learn.
Enjoy your hobby! acj.
Did you really need to spam 5 threads with this? One post would have been more than enough.
Thank You, Kevarc,
I understand. I’m looking for someone…Enjoy Your Hobby! ACJ.
By the way kevarc, thanks for the healthy link to the 3dtrains website. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen those L&N geeps, Trainz has occuppied me whilst I await Train Master’s new work.
I’m sorry about the sour attitude created by the demise of the out of country content creator who found something more lucrative, but that’s the game community for ‘ya!
I’ve long marveled, at the amount of content creators, world over, compared to the quality of just a few handfulls of content creators, on the North American side, who know what a GP7, or RS3 is really all about.
I’m damn glad for your reply, the sim community around here needs forum, in a fully positive way, like the Auran community.
We yanks, tend to take issue with attitude, instead of polite query, inquisitiveness, earnest interest, positive introspect, historic prospective, forgetting when we had no global communication, to quench our need to make people think we’re important because we think "we have learnin’."
We have a glorious history, of what the Auran Community sooo eagerly reminded me, as the “United States of America,” which is exactly where I found my forum banner, the only website in the world, proud enough to tell me, through my login profile, where I’m from.
And I only had a user name, passcode, and user ID number. I had three posts on the forum, and hadn’t even bought TRS2004, from yet.