At first i though you were all extremely attentative when i was saying my Grislfriend stories, and coludn’t realize How you all knew here, yes well heres an explination, this big compuiter of mine, is nice but it’s not travel worthy, heres being a lap top is, now whenever we were somwhere i used her laptop. Now for those of you who own netscape 7.0 + it asks if it wants to save your password, i msut have selected yes at the time, which would make sense, and therfore giving her carte blanche to netwrk. So yuo’ve all met her now.
now onto more pressing issues, as you’ve all read my other topic, realize how much of an idiot i was? i cna see you shaking your head even though your not likely to admit it aloud, I got a “Brutally awakening” letter from Ed, he called me things i wouldn’t even dream of posting on here, but he did all that in an odd way, he made me realize that YEs i was all thsoe things he called me (bad names) and more. so he litterally (ok verbbaly) hit me on the head, like driving a stubborn RR spike into the ground. he made me think… that i am an Idiot. moronic, self centered Reptiallian cat eater from another planet.
so beofre moving on, i owe everyon on thsi Entire network an apology. everyone from including Staff members, and non mebers and passrbuyers. I really don’t bite. i’m really not a mena person in life,
So please don’t read that grow up topic, i wrote that out of idioticness, AKA anger… they say anger is one letter away from danger??.. hey look at THAT! it IS! i finally understand that saying, it doens’t sound so good verbally as it does wroitten down.
So am i going anywhere, other then the fridge to get a drink, no. like i said Ed… REALLY woke me up to put it nicely.
So young small illiterate or anyhting else I Am Sorry, you shouldn’t have to put up with what i wrote it is not acceptable ina civilized society.
ED, i don’t know what i owe you a Beer, maybe 12 or a freakin Case,