Indistriy Type's Whats On You RailRoad?

Im building a comlex seris of cement.paper and warehouse’s in one section
Im woundering how many of you are doing this also?

Cotton gin, pickle facility, cotton gin, gravel yard, cotton compress, lumber, cotton oil, stockyard, cotton gin, warehouses, cotton gin, powerhouse, feed supply and elevator a cotton pickin’ brewery, crude oil. And did I mention cotton gin? Bruce

Dairy, cheese factory, feed mill, tractor- farm machinery, couple of depots to handle a few passengers and general freight, coal and oil dealership and what ever else I can come up with for my future rural dairy farm themed Erie RR. Ken

Grain elevators (3 of 'em), food processor, and various trucking places in our large yard.

Quite a few, see web site for pictures, nothing fantastic, An engine rebuild company, GE, A machining company, refinery, brewery , mining supply co. Large warehouse and distribution center, in\out truck to rail facility. chemical firm.

On my layout I have a Cyclone Fence Factory, Water Heater Factory, Strongheart Pet Food, Miller Beer Distrubitor to name a few scratch built tmodeled from their prototype.