I am trying to do a history on the CCC& St L RR passenger station in Sidney, Ohio. IO have had very poor louck in finding specific info on the building and who designed and built it. PLEASE SOMEBODY! Any thing will be appreciated.
If I had to guess I would surmise that the depot was probably of standard PRR design. Try a GOOGLE image search on PRR wood depots and see if anything pops up
Thanks Rick; its a place to start,although the station is of masonary const, there could be somm help.
Are you in Sidney? Why not check the Shelby County Historical Society? If not do a search for them or the Sidney Public Library.
The Big Four was a part of the New York Central System. I think the suggestion to check with the historical records at the library would be a good place to start. I don’t know how far back the archives of the Sidney Daily News go, but since they go back over 100 years in their ‘Out of the Past’ column, they may have some information in their archives as well. (I’m sure they’ll be happy to give you the information, for a price.)
I live about 5 minutes from the Sidney Depot.
I think that if you visit the model railroad club, they may, (though I don’t think they do) have some information in the building about the building. I do know there are several documents that hang on the wall just outside the dispatcher’s office door.
I usually stop by the station to watch trains go by, although I was made to feel unwelcome in the building. I park at the end of the fence, I drive a maroon Saturn.