Hey folks… New guy here. name’s Keith (which a few of you may have established from my username). Anyhoo… I was reminiscing a few months ago about the lionel set my dad had when my brothers and I were younger. he made a 4x8 table and scenicked it with our help and we ran the trains for hours and hours. I decided to build a train layout for my children - so my wife and I have been buying trains and track and bits and pieces here and there to tie into our grand plan of a layout. This morning I bought (at a local flea market) a Lionelville Pipe Co. building with a moving hi-lo inside and also a lionel train ‘depot’, station…something or other. (I’ll try and post pics tomorrow but will describe for now)…it’s on a square green base… has a beige square building with louvered plastic windows and a reddish plastic hip roof… no chimney. This looks like the same building used in some other lionel structures (like the oil filling station) - mine doesn’t have and lionel figures that swing out of the doorway… the inside of the building has a speaker and some other electronics - which leads me to assume it’s some kind of ‘talking’ station. I ran through ebay (current and completed items) and did an image and text search on yahoo and google but can’t find anything about either. The logo on the ‘talking’ station looks like the 80’s version of the lionel logo. Both look like they’ve never been used. My questions are, was spending $20 each for these too much having no knowledge of waht they are? I liked the look of both structures and the price seemed reasonable to me… even if they don’t work (which I was guaranteed they do)… I would still be happy paying that for them. The lionelville pipe co. building has one lead coming from it with 2 wires… do I run this through a switch and activate it whenever I want? I have no idea how to wire the other. it has 3 metal bands on the bottom (out of 6 possible) (a,b and c) but I got no instructions. Can anyone help me out with info on this stuff??? <
[#welcome] Welcome to the Forum, Keith!
The Lionelville Pipe Company accessory is the 12798 Fork Lift Loader Station, cataloged from 1992 to 1995. The 2005 Greenberg Price Guide (emphasize, guide) shows a value of $46 in excellent condition.
Your other building sounds like a Diesel Horn or Whistle Shed, but I haven’t found the number or year for one that has a green base.
Thanks Chris! I’ll take some pics when I get home… that might help. Like I said, both are in excellent condition and I bought them 'cuz I liked them… but it’s always nice to see that you’re not getting ripped off!
thanks again for the help in identifying these parts…
Welcome, Keith. I’ve entered the hobby pretty similar to what you are doing - though I took the plunge and bought a new Lionel train set - that gave me a basis for expansion. I have a similar station to yours - I wired it to a button and then to power from the transformer so it formed a complete circuit.
You’re welcome, Keith, but I forgot about the wiring part of your question.[#oops]
You can get a manual for the forklift station by going to Lionel’s website:
Click on Owner Manuals, then enter the part number 12798. Voila!
I’m pretty sure we can find a manual for your other building, if we can identify it.
thanks for the welcome cnw! I also bought a new lionel train set… it’s the new york central with fastrack… I’ve since bought enough track to complete my layout and a bunch of accessories… I have some of the ‘old style’ track - and I like it… but since the wife and I got the fastrack set for the kids, I figured I’d just elaborate on it.
ok… here goes for pics of the other building…
Hope this helps. There were no accessories with it so that doesn’t really help any!
Thanks again Chris for the info on the manual! I knew I came to the right place!
I was looking though the latest CTT and noticed the Trainworld ad showed some diesel horn sheds on sale. The numbers are 12735 (88-91) and 12903 (95-98). Keith, I suspect you have the latter shed.
Go back to Lionel’s website, http://www.lionel.com/CustomerService/Findex.cfm , and get the owner’s manual for either one (same manual) to determine the wiring. If you also want the parts schematic, you’ll find it under the 12735 part number.