Informational Websites for Pre & Post War Lionel Trains


Does anyone know of any websites that provide information on pre & post war Lionel trains?

TCA# 03-56667

Hi Bill,

I’m glad you started this thread. Here is one that I use:


Well, here’s a page with links to lots and lots of toy trains sites, many of them being about prewar and postwar Lionel (although some of the sites don’t appear to exist anymore).

I have the 1956 - 1958 Lionel blue Gondola with white letters. Big deal, because it’s only worth $14.00. No box, and the canister load is missing.

Did anyone identify there old Lionel trains with these new web sites?


Ahhhh, I found another relic. I have a 6562 searchlight car that was introduced in 1949. Mine has a light gray frame, so it’s 1952 -1953 vintage. Lost the crank on the spool of wire, but it’s in good shape. Can’t find the going price on one. I replace the lense on the searchlight with a factory new lense.

The blue gondola I mentioned earlier is car number 6112.

I’m going to check some more of my relics.


Well, I did find something out there in the garage that might be worth over $100. It’s a very clean 1961 - 1966 vintage green Timber Transport Flatcar with original logs, chains and tension springs. Going price is $165. The operating couplers still work, but they are a little stiff. The white letters are in perfect shape without any scratches from the log chains. Locating a 6361 with perfect lettering like this one is a very difficult task.
