Sorry if this has been covered before but…I am installing a QSI Revolution A in a Genesis SD75 and am concerned about the lighting. I wish the front lights AND ditch lights to all come on with F0. The loco uses 1.5 incandescent bulbs and the decoder recommends either LED’s or 1.5 volt bulbs. Because I do not know what the amperage draw is of the bulbs that came with the loco, I am afraid of ruining the decoder. In the decoder manual it says to install 130 ohm resistors and run two lights in series.
While I can understand that for the rear headlights, for the front, how do I connect 4 bulbs to all work from F0. Even for the rear lights, I am not sure about my soldering skills to replace the existing resistors with new ones.
If the decoder has 100ma capability for lighting, is that for each output, or total of all 6 function outputs?
Even if it is total, in theory, I can connect 6 – 15ma bulbs. Can they all be connected to one of the outputs (F0) if all the rest are not used?
Even the smallest LED’s will not fit, so I am stuck with the incandescent bulbs.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.