Hi everyone, I have an old steam loco and would like info on how I could install a DH123 decoder in it. I have all kinds of room in the tender for the decoder, but I am not sure about how to isolate the motor. If anyone can help that would be great. I’d like to run my loco at a train show next month. Thanks for any help guys.[:D]
Which steam locomotive?
David B
To be totally honest I don’t know. It is cast. It’s also a 0-6-0. It was my grandfarther’s. HO scale. I don’t know what else I can tell you. Sorry I hope this is good enough to help.
Im afraid without much more info we cant be of much help. Can you post a picture? My guess is that you will have to remotor that loco before you can consider DCC (because of the high amp draw). Remember that DCC doesnt make your locos run better, it makes them run more finiky.
David B
I installed a DH123 into a brass locomotive a couple of weeks ago. Not too difficult. I had enough room to tuck the decoder into the boiler.
I documented the process here:
(Yes, it will need to be re-motored at some time in the future.)
It would be important to check the stall current before conversion, just to avoid letting the expensive magic smoke out of the decoder.