When I experienced a house fire with about 55% loss and the remaining 45% damaged beyond salvage, I had no rider for anything and received only up to the value of my contents coverage. I was not required to try to “salvage” anything as ti was considered a total loss. I had full ‘replacement’ coverage.
I was required to make a list of ALL belongings lost at the price I paid for them, the year I bought them, and list of how much it would cost to to replace them.{or best guesstimate}
For anything OVER the insured amount, I was allowed to take off my taxes for that year…only it turned out to be a portion of a part of the percentage of the unreimbursed amount! NOT the whole amount unreimbursed! BOY was I burned on that one!
Now fast forward to today. The coverage I have includes depreciated amount reimbursement, as at least my current insurance company does NOT offer “full replacement coverage” anymore . How they calculate depreciation is a question I should ask at the next “evaluation of coverage” meeting.
MY best advise, having gone through it is to:
1} get the best coverage you can afford,
2} get a rider for your MRR train investment based on the current “value” of the trains however the insurance company requires ti to be evaluated.
3} get a rider for anything ELSE valuable you own.
4} TAKE PICTURES of THE whole house, each room, closet, layout, from several angles and keep these OFF SIGHT {do not worry if it is “neat” or “organized” it will give you a reference to go by in listing your items as well as some “proof” you owned them…Just take them!!!}. I even took pictures of damaged stuff to jog my memory as I listed the items.
5} make a LIST of items of particular value, or that there are many of, save receipts if you can, KEEP OFF SITE {like a safe deposit box at the bank}