Internal Amtrak memo highlights concerns over St. Paul Union Depot

They need to make a decision in St. Paul, is it a Train Station or multi-use building? Kansas City is careful with it’s Union Station, not to use it as a homeless shelter but they do host high-end banquets there. Amtrak can still function when those are going on because Amtrak is kind of in an Annex to KC Union Station. So it might be as simple as more development so the station is self-sustaining versus requiring a subsidy.

Frequently the waiting room isn’t available to passengers. It’s mostly curtained off except for a 8’ walkway running the length of the room to the escalator leading to the train platform.

They do the same at KC Union Station. The floor layout is different at KC Union Station though so that you can use the Amtrak part without having to transit the banquet area. Same is done at Dallas Union Station as well but at Dallas Union Station the former second level waiting room is the banquet area and the now Amtrak waiting area is the former baggage check area. So in both cases of Dallas and KC, they exploited the existing seperation of spaces. Same can be done in St. Paul. Again whomever owns St. Paul Union station should be more accomodating to tenants including Amtrak but based on the reaction from the homeless shelter comments…seems they are very political over the usage of the St. Paul Depot. They need to put it in charge of the City Convention space manager in my view if they have one.