International Models B&O "Little Joe" in O gauge

Hello- I recall that pioneer importer International Models imported some brass models of the Baltimore and Ohio 0-4-0T saddletank switcher nicknamed by modellers (I think) “Little Joe,” in the early 50’s, I believe. This locomotive should not to be confused with the South Shore electric locomotives. This was the same prototype made famous by the Varney diecast model in HO gauge. I am seeking more information on these imports (when, numbers made, etc.- anything, actually) and also would appreciate it if someone could send me a photograph of one of these that I may use in an article in the newsletter of the TCA Northern California Division, “The Express.” Thanks- Richard W., Editor of “The Express.”

nothin’ on


Well, Richard, in the 1950’s you had International Models, Inc (Intl) and International Model Products (IMP). Unfortunately, O-scale does not, to my knowledge, have any printed reference of brass locomotives like HO does. However, The Brown Book does indicate that International Models (Intl) did import a B&O C-16a switcher in HO in 1954 and again in 1959, so it is likely that the O-scale item in question may be associated with that importer. No such loco is listed for IMP in HO. In that time period quite a few importers who already had the layout drawings available would do a given engine in several scales over the course of a year or two to maximize return on their investment.

The best advice would probably be to check issues of MR for International ads of the period. There at least you would be able to identify the date of introduction (maybe even find a review) and certainly a price. As I indicated earlier, production run numbers are probably unobtainable.
