Interpreting Forum Rules

I still lack the edit button and am under “Moderation.” I wrote a post describing my dream train for the future for a choir concert tour of North America, with the train used as hotel and school as well as transportation. I was specific for whom the train was intended, with the idea that I would not plan such a concert tour without Amtrak’s cooperation for the special train or private cars on regular trains. That was the purpose of the posting, not to further any religious point of view and not to further any political point of view except for the need for long distance trains and the accomodation of special cars. The concerts would be open to everyone.

So just because the people using the train do not belong to the majority culture and religion, the posting is denied and I am still under moderation?

Here is some of a lot of evidence:

Central Electric Railfans Association Bulletin #107 ROU

Dave- Do you have the ability to use the REPORT ABUSE function? It’s the little yellow triangle with an exclamation point. It’s at the lower left on my screen. If you can’t use that function on your own post, maybe you can on this post?

Use the RA function to briefly describe your dilemma and ask the moderator to PM you. I’d be inclined to think the issue isn’t intentional, but probably an oversight. Either way, it’s something better handled one on one in private.

Dave, Just reading what you’ve posted here, I really don’t see what all this (really) has to do with railroading, other than the fact these people happen to be riding a train while all this other nonrailroading stuff is going on. So yes it does appear to me that you are “pioneering” here a bit by trying to advance an agenda that has little substantive relevance to railroading. Perhaps the moderators (rightly IMO) feel similarly?

More to the point, JUST as I am sure that the religious leaning members of this board would prefer not to read posts that are “anti-religious”, so too would those of us who are not prefer to NOT read “pro-religious” messaging. Think of it as a matter of mutual respect. i.e. “I won’t MAKE YOU LOOK AT MINE SO LONG AS YOU DON’T MAKE ME LOOK AT YOURS”

Better to just leave that sort of thing entirely out of the picture, and avoid the “equal time for opposed points of view” argument, don’t you agree?

  1. The abuse button is for complaints about others’ postings, and I am not complaining about anyone else’s postings.

  2. I owe Kalmbach and the Moderator, Larry, one deep apology, since the particular posing about the choral group chargter was posted. The problem is that “under moderation” postings may get posted long after the poster writes and post them. Then they are placed in the sequence of when the were written, so one has to search for them, and the average reader won’t even see them. In this case, I had forgotten that it was the new item of “Steqm Group Reacts too…” thred in Steam and Preservation Forum, not where I thought I had posted it in “Passenger” under the New Amtrak policy thread. Now I found it using the serch button for “Yesuva.”

But Kalmach and the Moderation still gives me a major porblem. I am discriminated against, and Kalmbach’s policy is part of that discrimination, but only part, even though taking me off moderation completely solves the problem.

I have no assurane that you will see this post as I write it. Not only can spelling errors be introduced, but spaces between words can vanish, punctuation marks altered, etc. This is because the servers I must use (without alternatives) attempt to handle three languages with three sets of letters and two directions, right-to-left as normal and left-to-right as an exception. So I need the edit button to correct the finished posting as it apppears.

Second, the Yeshiva has a narrow-band server. To post photos via Imgur (or any other method) I need to carry my laptop to the University and use their guest wifi. My time there is limited to the hours when I am not needed at the Yeshiva and when the building and its library are open. With the edit button I can place photos in a text without making each photo a separate call to the website and a separate posting, cutting the time

Dave Klepper:

Sometimes the scope of things is so large they cannot be seen, like in ‘one can’t see the forest because of the trees.’ In that light, NEVER ever forget what the most sacred rule of business is: The customer is ALWAYS right! A company that thinks it is perfect and doesn’t have to follow that sacred rule invariably soon finds out what ‘the customer is always right’ REALLY means. I always love it when a company has a super rude awakening. When the computer giant IBM starting selling personal computers they screwed their customers over royal! I mean absolutely royal, thinking they were immune gods of the business world. IBM forgot that the customer is ALWAYS right, and soon had to sell its personal computer division to a foreign company. Feel empowered, Dave! Companies that are not quick to forgive will NOT be forgiven by their customers, WHO ARE ALWAYS RIGHT, even when they are wrong!



Dave, I’ve never used the report abuse function, but what I’ve done a couple of times to communicate with a moderator is used the start conversation function to send a PM. Do you not have that function when under moderation?

For those who’d like to see Davids post on the Yeshiva chorus train go to the “Steam and Preservation” section of the Forum, look for “News Wire: Steam group reacts to Amtrak policy on special trains, charters.” Scroll down past the equally good comments on other things. David posted his comment on Monday April 2’d.

There isn’t a bloody thing wrong with it.

As a matter of fact, I made a positive comment on it, VERY positive.

I can’t imagine anyone being offended by it.

If anyone is, I’d sure like to know why.

I cannot imagine how anyone could have been offended by that post. Give me a break.

You are not alone in the purgatory of perpetual moderation. For a staff of volunteer moderators one would think they might make better use of their time.

Possibly the most offensive post in Kalmach’s eyes’ was when I questioned the Candadian judge’s comment to the Jurors that violating a railroad rule was not a criminal offense? I think that may have given me the problem.

The problem with my assuming the position of “customer is always right” with Kalmbach is that I value both Trains and Classic Trains far too much to even consider dropping my subscription. So I will just live with this stuped moderation, stop my complaining, and simply find other ways to provide the best of my photographs and others that I receive to friends who can then get a wider distribution for them.

Some people evidently enjoy being the lightning rod, while others see themselves as the lightning.

i just happen to think that “no” means “none” and should be equally enforced across the board. Clearly there are some members who see this as some form of challenge where they try to squeeze in their views and then use the forum rules to prohibit rebuttal.

When they’re not busy burning books, that is. [xx(]