
Hello All - Allow me to introduce myself as I am new to the forum.

I will retire at the end of this month and again take up the hobby of HO gage trains. My last layout was mostly compete in 1985. The scheme was Silver mining in Colorado (I am in the Denver area). There were three settlements;(1) Between - a small mining area, (2) Arock - a large mining community and (3) Hardspot - the “major” flatland staging city. The time period was 1900 ish. The layout was torn down to expand my woodworking business (I had to pay the bills) and boxed up until last week. Three reference photos (scans of prints) of the old Between, Arock and Hardspot R.R.:

I found a 34" x 8’ scrap of oak ply and built a test layout over last weekend. I will use this to check out the engines and rolling stock for proper operation.

I have a small room (old home office area) that will contain the new BAH R.R. The new layout will be 13’ x 6’ overall. I will have a main level (Hardspot) with a continuous loop about 30’ long and fairly large yard. There will be three climbing loops (about 40’ track each) to reach the upper levels (about a continuous 2.5% grade) which will have Between on one mountain and Arock on another mountain. I may be able to expand the layout size to 15’ x 6’; If I rip out built in bookcases on the ends of the room. The extra two feet will be added to the center of the layout plan shown (expanded Hardrock). I should be able to start building in a month or two.I have done preliminary layout in CAD with only rudimentary turnout information. The purpose was to see if the multilevel layout would be feasible (it is). Following is a digital photo of the layout: Magenta is layo

welcome alan i to am from the denver area i’m looking forward to seeing updates


Welcome, with just a quick glance I see two problems. One major, the other minor.

The Major, you’ll never be able to reach the corners of your layout for derailment, maintance or scenery construction.

The minor, the radius of the arc between the two turnouts near the yard throat is quite small.

Both yards need the same section of mainline for switching. There is no runaround so the same train cannot switch both yards. In fact, cars from one cannot even be set so a train running the opposite ditection can get to them to switch it in without running a complete lap.

I guess I saw more. Oops.

Welcome to the forum. im sure that someone here can answer almost all of your questions.


Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]

Welcome, you’ll have to get to know Spacemouse , he to models early steam more or less like you’re layout. oops, mouse got in before me.

Actually Jeffers_mz models both the time and location of your layout. Look at the “Telltales” post on this page or the next for a great historical rambling about your area. Here’s a shortcut.

It picks up towards the bottom of the first page.

Thanks for the welcome.

The problems are not real. The 15" radius circles will be holes in the layout for underneath access. Turnouts are not really placed accurately (I said “only rudimentary turnout information.”). The rear yard was intended to be separate from the front yard. I still need to get a turntable and other items placed. I will fit these items in after building the main loop, so that they look and fit properly. Thanks for the comments and keep them coming.


Welcome and to be honest from those pictures it looks like you could contribute quite a lot.
I make my layouts like spaghtti myself. I like track, lots and lots of track wooo hooo LOL.
Anyhow welcome and I hope you come here often.

Hi! Do you like ballasting? [:P][:P][:P]

I hope so; I am looking at more than 100’ of ballast work to do (I have the rest of my life time to get it done though). I actually enjoy all of the construction efforts; more than operations.


Something that’s changed quite a bit since the 80’s is now people are making a lot of around-the-walls style layouts.

I strongly urge you to consider such a design, which would allow narrower shelves (nicer for reaching over into your retirement years, heck, even at my age of 31).

(You’re obviously not a first-timer in this hobby, so this type of layout wouldn’t require any construction knowledge/experience you don’t already have).

This may require a hinged section to enter the layout, but many aspects of construction will be MUCH more comfortable. You’ll also likely end up with larger radii.

I’m not trying to be critical, just trying to get your creative juices flowing.

A HUGE red flag to me is that you’ve got two levels that are 4ft deep each. It seems like reaching the edges against the wall would become nearly impossible with 2 levels.

Welcome back, and enjoy!

Welcome back into the fold Alan, you are obviously a seasoned modeller judging from the shots of your previous layout.

A few things for thought :

Make sure to read and catch up on the latest developments and newly available items in the hobby, technology and therefore quality/diversity is ever expanding (presuming you arent already abreast of current affairs)

You will always recieve alot of input and suggestions from many good people here, even if you decide its not for you its always worth noting for future developments that may happen. ie CARRfans suggestion, a LOT more running in the same room.

Dont jump in too fast with a major decission, there is alot of info to be gleaned from the members here and the web which may save you from a pitfall.

Most importantly, have fun, its your railroad, enjoy it in whichever way you see fit .

Have fun, be safe and welcome,

Thanks for the comments.

The two 4’ sections are actually mountains with only access required on the fronts for landscaping. Access for derails, etc. is via holes on the inside of the mountain (the 15" radius circles will be cut out, and a little more as room allows). The longest reach will be the 36" across the middle (flat land) section.

I have had hinged sections before; and I just don’t like that scheme. One of the advantages (disadvantages) of being “old” is that we get to do it our way. Sometimes we make the wrong choice though.

After I build the lower level loop; I will better be able to gage the rest of the layout for actual fit and final design. Right now, I am looking for concept information and the layout as shown seems to be practical to build and use.

Keep the comments coming (To Everyone reading).

[#welcome] Alan!

Looks like you have done some very nice work in the past. You will be amazed by the level of detail and the quality of the newer equipment.

One thing I noticed ion your track plan, the two turnouts that lead to the yard appear to be left hand turnouts coming off a right hand curve. You may want to rethink that area since it creates an S curve which can lead to problems. However, with a logging theme and 2.5% grades, I’m guessing short trains? If so, it won’t be as much of a problem and would have a nice visual appeal.

Again, [#welcome] back!
