Is it me/my computer or

Does it take you long to get CTT forum to download ( if it downloads at all anymore? ). I goto 2 other forums and they load fairly quickly.

its not you or your computer! I’m guessing the IT guy was pink slipped as well what a shame.

and ironiocally it says use chrome to load faster what a joke if your lucky to login otherwise it times out with a sorry were not able to connect right now[:^)]

Chrome is what I use lol.

Yeah, I have Chrome and it does take a bit to gain entrance here…

I have no trouble with this software. I never have. It loads as quickly as any other site and I have Chrome.

Northwoods Flyer

Did you try yesterday? It was a mess all day!

Good evening all,

I use Firefox and it usually works well, but last night I think everything was DOA. I hope everyone has a good day.

Keep on training,

Mike C. from Indiana

It was a mess all day that day and would not load for me. I use chrome and kept getting error messages. I find that it happens sometimes and my guess is the IT people are doing something to the site, as it seems to act up for an entire day.

I wish I knew what was going on. For me it is an ongoing hit-or-miss. What is really frustrating is the way the site changes with respect to uploading images. For awhile it works, then it seems to change the way you have to upload, then it just won’t upload anything. I’ve gone through at least 4 cycles of this sequence. At the moment I’m at the can’t-upload-a-thing phase - I don’t know how long this will last.

Sometimes I have problems posting. I will write a long post with several photos and then it will not load once I hit submit reply.

I have found out the hard way that it is best to write the post and then copy it, in case it does not post. If it does not post, I simply start a new post and paste what I copied. It generally loads the post then. Therefore, it seems to be some sort of time-out issue, when doing a long post. One never seems to know when it will happen and it is frustrating when it does.

I sent this to CTT customer service last Tuesday:

“I appear to be the last person who logged into the CTT forum, about 5 hours ago. Immediately after posting, I found that I could not get past the top-level list of topics. It appears to me that no one else has either.”

I received this, this morning:

"Thank you for contacting CLASSIC TOY TRAINS Customer Service.

“We apologize for the difficulty you were experiencing in accessing the forums. We were experiencing some technical problems with our servers. The problem has now been fixed. Please try signing in to your account again to access the forums. You may need to clear your browsing history or cache before logging in again. We would like to apologize once again for the inconvenience.”