Is it necessary to be insulting in order to get your message across?

I am getting really fed up with folk belittling other forum members because their views differ from their own. Thease people are taking the joy out of the forum for others including myself. If people aren’t insulting people about their age or where they work, they are even attacking other peoples countries.

I am really tired of being told about my spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes that I make. Who really cares? If you are that wrapped up about that, than you likely have missed the point or you are just intentionally trying to be confrontational.

I wish folk would not be so damn mean about the way they say things. I myself respect other peoples opinions until the attacks come in. I really didn’t think that I would have to start this thread but maybe Mr.Bergstrom and others around here should point out to thease certain members that this forum is for fun and not to be so insulting to other forum members.

I’m sorry I had to say this but it’s time that people started standing up against the kind of bulling I’m starting to see.

I have to agree with you Mark, 100%. I hope that some day we can meet in Sacramento at the next CSRM Railfair.

I try to help as much as I can.Most people on this forum do. dont let a couple bad apples ruin the forums for you.
stay safe

You speeled THESE wong


You deserve a fourth star, just for that…

BTW, what is “bulling” anyhow? Sounds like a good sandhouse session…


well …point blank…yes…sometimes you have to… its kinda like a form of braking someone down that is to stuburn to realize they are WRONG…

and as far as spelling issues… you dont see me complaing about people correcting mine…and personaly …i dont realy give a crap if someone dose correct or critisise me or my spelling… becouse the things i say are the truth…
csx engineer


  1. I suggest you carefully review what Mark Hemphill has said.

  2. You won’t earn my respect, or that of other railroaders by complaining about our posts, especially when those posts take issue with your ill thought schemes.

  3. Spelling, punctuation and usage are all important, especially in a forum that relies upon written medium. I cringe whenever I miss a typo, although it happens more here than I would like.

  4. Perhaps if you gave some more thought and research to your posts before suggesting extreme remedies such as government intervention and taking of private property you would get a better response. Please note that you have suggested these same remedies repeatedly in different threads despite numerous explanations by many on the Board.

  5. He who lives in a glass house should not cast the first stone, was what I was taught.


to JUNCTIONFAN: As a new member to the forum I too notice your odd spelling errors. I would be the last one to critisize you as I also make my share. I enjoy your insightful views and have learned a great deal from reading your comments. I too am a proud Canadian and appreciate your wealth of knowledge both of railroads in general and of the Canadian political scene. Keep up the good work… PS DId I spell critisize right ???

Permit me to say that this type of thing is part of forum boards in general. I belong to a few, including the Straight Razor Place where we all sit around and talk about collecting, shaving with and maintaining our straight razors. Politics pop up, guns pop up, personalities flare up, and then there is the apology post. Sometimes folks just have to vent when by themselves with their computer.
Gittin’ yer chain pulled is also part of railroading. I can show you my scars.

Andrew: ever concidered being more diligent about how you feel? For example: Next personm who complains or laughs at me, just simply won’t wake up tommorow, period.

People who argue over spelling know they can’t compete with your argument so they must compete another way, the classic… oh, can’t beat that… so i’ll be a basterd about how he spelt stuff

it’s happened to me more then a few times; And wathc out Many railroaders, NOT INCLUDING myself get bull headed about the Job they do, you know who “HINT, HINT” and they feel compeled that they are going to teach you somehting just because they’ve been around longer- Trust me you have to be like a red squirrel- they are bigger then you, but you can beat them- jsut run and don’t look back- ever

When I first started working on the AMT’s, i had loud mouth engineers- who thought they’ve been there 67 years and were going to teach me the world in a sarcastic rude manor- but they were too preocupied, teaching me my job, they forogt to do theres, heres an example-
an engineer was reading me the book in an idioc way, “bull headed” as i call it- Now i know my Rules like the back of my hand- so here he was clammering on, while passing a yellow signal- i waited five secondes then pulled them emergency break- AS I AM instructed to do.

Did that 3 times in one run- they guy shut up, and i taught him a lesson in the end- do your job, i’ll do mine.

get what i’m trying to say?

who is “hint hint”?
csx engineer

Sometimes you have to make certain that the angry glare you see in the other person’s eyes isn’t a reflection…

As several have said, grammar and spelling ARE important. I spent a number of years of my life learning to properly express myself, as did pretty much everyone here. When I see some of the fractures of the English language that occur here from time to time, I wonder what that person’s resume looks like (or will look like). I hope someone proofreads it, or they’ll never stand a chance at getting a job.

Some people earn the right to be less than perfect, like CSX - Just as he says, he tells the truth. No profound pronouncements, no wild schemes, just plain railroading from the horses mouth. He has our respect.

If there is one thing I’ve learned in life, and had reinforced here, it’s that there are very few new ideas. Most if it has been done before. You may have what you think is the greatest idea ever, but there are enough years of experience here to give you an objective assessment of your concept and fill you in on pertinent history. And sometimes that assessment is indeed ROFL.

So - Your participation here is most welcome. Just remember what everyone has essentially said - think first, write second, read it again before you hit submit. Be willing to accept what others say about your contribution. And be willing to rethink what you’ve said. Stubbornly standing by a position while dismissing (or ignoring) all other input won’t win you many friends.


Hope this helps…There is nothing you can say to me that will make me mad…only I have final control over that aspect of my character. The same can be said of you,…I am sure.

The web is a big place, and is full of all kinds of people. I’ve been around it for a long time, and I can tell you that the type of person who readilly resorts to insults, especially in debate,…usually isn’t very bright, and often resorts to the technique when their intellect is near exhaustion.

If ever there was a valid instance in saying ‘consider the source’, this would be one. Typically the fountains of insults tend to erupt when folks run out of cognizant argument, but are too stupid to simply shut up.

I take it from your post, that the insults really bother you. If such is the case, by far the most effective way to shut them down is to simply ignore them. Because usually half the “fun” enjoyed by an insult artist comes from their ability to get under your skin, and get you “going”…And absent that, there is no fun in it.

I’m a little different, I suppose, because the insults themselves don’t make me mad, rather I just get irritated with the prospect of the party spewing the insults, enjoying themselves just a little too much. You know? fooling themselves that they might be clever?

Being the hard headed *** that I am, once such a person has drawn first blood, I’m not above returning the favor in effort to burst their little bubble… in the fine spirit of “one-upsmanship” .but that’s just me… Your best bet, if it really bothers you, is to simply ignore them, and spoil all their fun…

I guess you are right there.

I was brought up that you should treat others the way you would want to be treated and if you don’t have anything nice to say to someone than you shouldn’t say anything at all.

I’m trying to learn fr

QUOTE: Originally posted by Junctionfan

I guess you are right there.

I was brought up that you should treat others the way you would want to be treated and if you don’t have anything nice to say to someone than you

Blankety-Blank THIS, blankety-blank dash-dash cuss-cuss E-Flat Doubleclutchin’ blankety blanks! You know who you ^##@&(+% are!

There! I feel much better now!

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

And thanks to the late, great Brother Dave Gardner, maybe the funniest man that ever lived.

Old Timer

One does not need to be insulting to get one’s point across. I usually do not insult people on purpose (with the exception of one, uh, “drifter” and even then it was rather mild).
And if I correct someone’s grammar here and there does not mean I miss their main point. (I get paid to write and edit memos and prepare presentations for my employer).
I am not offended if someone corrects a statement I make–if anything it shows they are reading my post/response.


There does seem to be a collection of some here who get uncomfortable with certain topics being bandied about, maybe because in the course of free discussion someone somewhere might actually come across a solution to a problem and then the whole apple cart is turned over, e.g. change in the status quo can cause stress. It doesn’t matter what the subject is: Changes to Amtrak (and all the subtopics e.g. M & E, LD’s vs NEC, subsidies, etc), open access, competitive access, re-regulation, complete deregulation, mergers, break ups of existing merged companies, time saving innovations, fuel saving innovations, even off topic subjects like increasing trucks’ GVW, all these have in common at least one person on this forum who wishes the topic would just go away. And because they disagree with you, they will say you are WRONG SO WE SHOULD JUST KILL THE TOPIC, or IT WAS TRIED BY SOME DOOMED RAILROAD LIKE THE ROCK ISLAND A FEW YEARS BACK AND IT DIDN’T WORK THEN SO IT WON’T WORK NOW, or IT DOESN’T WORK IN GREAT BRITAIN SO THAT PROVES IT WON’T WORK HERE, or EVERYONE WHO SAYS ONLY A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF TRAVELERS RIDE AMTRAK ARE LIARS AND ARE ONLY “SO-CALLED RAILFANS” NOT REAL RAILFANS, or my favorite IF YOU ARE IN FAVOR OF BREAKING UP THE CURRENT RAIL OLIGARCHY YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A COMMUNIST IN CAPITALIST’S CLOTHES.

No problem was ever solved by repressing debate, so what ever you do don’t let the naysayers intimidate you. If need be go back and do some fact checking from time to time to make sure your arguments are on the right track, but otherwise keep up the lively debate!

some of what you mentioned has been discused…and has been showen that it WONT WORK… its not so much that someone wants the subject killed becouse they dont like the subject…its more a matter of wanting it killed becoues stupid people insist on beating a dead horse mentality… people that think they have all the anwswers and think they have every a

If you don’t like it, you too don’t have to respond. Rather than coming across as a jerk, wouldn’t be more diplomatic to hold your tongue from the insults. It’s a good thing you don’t work for the U.N otherwise WWIII would have happened a long time ago with that attitude.

For those who want to trade insults, I will try to ignore. HOWEVER…I may be 25, but I have a really dark streak in me that comes out once in a while and if you really want to do verbal abuse with other people in the forum, you may find that I can be even more cruel and cold than the devil. I’m not proud of it but I will not take people’s crap just because they think they can talk to me however way they think they can. I am nobody’s fool. Either talk to me in a civl tongue or just shut the hell up. It makes no difference to me what you do for a living; a jerk is a jerk whatever hat he or she has on. I slept on this last night and the one thing that jumped out was why should I tolerate people insults day after day? I haven’t before so why should I start now?