I am preparing to construct my first n scale layout in a couple of weeks. I have just notice that I have 15 locomotives and one Bachmann EZ Command Control that only allow 10 locomotives (9 DCC, one DC). I want to run all my locomotives and I wanted to know when I get another DCC controller, would I be allow to run it with my current Bachmann controller or would I have to have separate lines because I have a four tender big locomotives and two saddle tanks that I want to have on one controller since they will only be used to pull tourist trains (my two saddle tanks will operate the lumber mill and logging camp) and on the other controller operate my diesels.
Your Bachmann starter DCC unit is very basic, It only allows DCC addresses 1-9 - no 4 digit addresses. If you get something like a NCE Powercab or a Digitrax Zephyr Xtra, the old Bachmann EZ Command will not be able to be used on the same layout with either of them. I would consign it to the workbench for testing…
You will find that once you upgrade to one of the above systems, you will wonder how you got by on the EX Command!
Thank you. I’m trying to keep my layout basic without lighting and power switching for the moment. since I cannot use the Powercab or Xtra with Bachmann, could I use two Bachmann EZ command controls?
No, you can not use two E-Z Commands at the same time on the same layout. I think Bachmann makes an extra throttle for the E-Z Command. However, you will still be limited to a total of 3…maybe 4 locomotives with only 1 amp output. If the locomotives have sound, drop that to 2 locomotives.
I plan on not getting sound for my locomotives just the DCC decorder installed. I know they have extra boost for the controller, but I have 15 locos I wanna run and I cannot find any controller that allows you to use them on the layout. Thank you for letting me know that you cannot use more than one controller.
edited: I 14 locomotives with hopes to 15. I bought an undecorated Kato E8/9 A last night with hopes of buying a Life-Like E9 undecorated 3 pack, 2 A’s (one dummy) and one B unit, from this seller on Ebay. The E8s will be apart of the tourist train portion on my layout. That will be 6 steam and two diesels on one controller which I intend on doing and the other controller will be for the diesels.
I looked at the Powercab and will get two of them since you can use them both on a layout from what I have read a few minutes ago.
Getting two Powercabs is kind of expensive. You don;t need two Powercabs, you need a Powercab set plus one of any of the other NCE throttles to run the second train. You don’t need all the extra stuff that comes with the Powercab twice for just one layout.
You can’t run 10 locos all at the same tiem with it, no. You’d need to add a booster. You can;t run 10 all at once with the Bachmann, either.
Just how big a layotu are you building? The capacity specifications for DCC systems are the theoretically maximum you can have runnign at one time. It has no beraing on how many locos you cna OWN. There’s also a huge difference between the Bachmann and every other system - with Bachmann you set a loco to one fo the 10 buttons (9 actually, the 10th button is for a loco without a decoder). If you ahve more than 10 locos, you will have to assign multipel ones to the same button, and either remove the one you don;t want to run, or set up isolated sidings to cut the power on the ones you don;t want to run (back to DC wiring, defeats the whole purpose of DCC, really). On the other systems out there, you assign an address, anythign you want, but the easiest to use is the cab number of the loco. WHen you want to run a particualr loco, you key in the cab number to select the address, and off you go. How many locos you own does not matter, anythign not actually selected ont he cab will just sit there. The key is how many you can run at one time.
The PowerCab can run 2 at the same time, one you set and the switch to the second. Only one is active at a time, and you use the recall to switch between them. Add another throttle and you can have 3 trains running at the same time. The basic PowerCab has enough power to run 4-8 N scale locos at one time. If you add the SB3a SmartBooster, you can plug in up to 4 total cabs and run up to 12 trains at once.
Another alternative is the Digitrax Zephyr Xtra. That system has enough power for at least 12-16 N scale locos, and likely a lot more, as I ran 8 HO locos with my original Zephyr and did not reach overload, and the Zephyr Xtra has even more power. You can plug in up to 20 more throttles, and it can run up to 20 trains simultaneously.
I know you are trying desperately to not accept that your EZCommand was not the right system for you, but you just have to face it. You have outgrown it. It’s time to buy an expandable system. There are several from which to choose.
You can’t run 10 locos all at the same tiem with it, no. You’d need to add a booster. You can;t run 10 all at once with the Bachmann, either.
Just how big a layotu are you building? The capacity specifications for DCC systems are the theoretically maximum you can have runnign at one time. It has no beraing on how many locos you cna OWN. There’s also a huge difference between the Bachmann and every other system - with Bachmann you set a loco to one fo the 10 buttons (9 actually, the 10th button is for a loco without a decoder). If you ahve more than 10 locos, you will have to assign multipel ones to the same button, and either remove the one you don;t want to run, or set up isolated sidings to cut the power on the ones you don;t want to run (back to DC wiring, defeats the whole purpose of DCC, really). On the other systems out there, you assign an address, anythign you want, but the easiest to use is the cab number of the loco. WHen you want to run a particualr loco, you key in the cab number to select the address, and off you go. How many locos you own does not matter, anythign not actually selected ont he cab will just sit there. The key is how many you can run at one time.
The PowerCab can run 2 at the same time, one you set and the switch to the second. Only one is active at a time, and you use the recall to switch between them. Add another throttle and you can have 3 trains running at the same time. The basic PowerCab has enough power to run 4-8 N scale locos at one time. If you add the SB3a SmartBooster, you can plug in up to 4 total cabs and run up to 12 trains at once.
Another alternative is the Digitrax Zephyr Xtra. That system has enough power for at least 12-16 N scale locos, and likely a lot more, as I ran 8 HO locos with my original Zephyr and did not reach overload, and the Zephyr Xtra has even more power. You can plug in up to 20 more throttles, and it can run up to 20 trains simultaneously.
To be honest, it was the only one at the time that was at an affordable price and I sure as hell will sell it when I get a better controller. I just want to keep my layout basic when constructed then in the future i will add electric features like lit structures, etc.
Actually, after reading your last post where you said you will be only running two or three trains at a time, you can use your EZCommand if you install a switch so you can turn off the power to your staging tracks. You can have more than one engine with the same address as long as they are not on the powered portion of the layout at the same time.
But I believe that you will be happier with the Zephyr.
I already planned that I will use manual turnouts for my layouts since it will not put a lot of stress on my family house aging electric system or whatever the real term to describe it lol. Yes I will be buying the Zephyr because I can run all my locos on one system without any major problems if that.
Thank you for the advice about using my EZ command for the turnouts, but like everyone have said it’s done and it needs to g
If you go with the Zypher,save up to get a UP5 panel and a DT402 throttle. Or get a UR91 panel and a DT402R simpex throttle or a UR92 panel and a DT402D duplex throttle. The DT402 is a tethered throttle. The DT402R and DT402D are wirelees. Both are 2 throttles in one. Or get a UT4 throttle . These are available in the tethered and wireless versions as well. Go to the Digitrax web site for more info. Joe,
The cheapest throttle is free and if you already have a laptop/computer then you can have as many throttles as you want for very little money if you use the Digitrax loconet system. Other DCC systems have a similar capability, I’m just not that familiar with their LAN capabilities and ease of use. DecoderPro is tied to our loconet via the Locobuffer USB (digitrax has their PR3 interface too). and so with the laptop and JMRI (Decoder Pro) software we have many throttles and can program most all decoders with a GUI (more intuitive) interface.
Thank you for the advice and informing me on Digitrax over products, but I’m going to stick with the Digitrax Zephyr Xtra since I won’t have to wire very much and it will keep things simple and easy to maintain.
Thank you also Mr. Richard. I went to the link you provided and looked around the tutorial and screenshots provided and found that their program seem very complicated to me. I’m just going to focus on getting the Digitrax Zephyr Xtra instead, but if that doesn’t work I will look into their programming. thank you
I recently contacted the Digitrax tech team and one of their representative told me that I can run up to 20 locomotives with their Digitrax Zephyr Xtra controller. I was searching for an exact number for how many locomotives I can have on their products and the Zephyr is the right fit for my layout.
But you’re not going to run 20 locomotives simultaneously. You said earlier that you would only run 2-3 at a time. So, the “20” number is really meaningless then.
I’m NOT saying that you shouldn’t get the Zephyr Xtra. It’s a very nice system and will serve you very well. Your conclusions for getting it just doesn’t make sense - at least to me.
I know what you mean and I’m sorry if I didn’t clarify it right. I want to have all of my locomotives on one system without having an extra controller just to control them.