I was recently looking around for new locomotives to buy and was looking at another shay. I looked on the Micromark Website and found that, to them, the product has been discontinued. I also looked at the Bachmann Store and found that they aren’t carrying the shay anymore. Have the Shays been Discontinued?
They’re sold out at Walthers too, so it may be that they’re discontinued. They’ve been around for 10 years now, which is a very long run these days. Maybe they’ll bring them back if there’s enough demand.
Stuff goes in and out of production at Bachmann. They might do another run at a later date with different road numbers and SKU’s.
Or they might be moving it over to their ready to run line. The took the 2-8-0 out of the spectrum line a while back and seem to be doing pretty well with that.
Have you taken a look at the MANTUA ones.
I don’t have Shays or Climaxes so I am not really familiar with them, but I see them in the MicroMark catalogue and web site.
Johnboy out…& back to work
Do a Google search for bachmann ho shay. You will find them. I did and found some on line sellers that still have them on the shelves.
The Bachmann Shay is not listed in their current catalogue, the new Climax is. So it is obvious the Shay is no longer being produced. Bachmann still has a lot of parts availble for the Shay in their Parts Department.
I would assume that their are a lot of hobby shops which have these new “old stock” locomotives. If you check E-bay you will find there are plenty being offered for sale.
I bought a few extras some time back when it was obvious that production had ceased for the Shay.
Another Shay source without going to Brass is the Roundhouse Shay, these still show up on occasion in both the kit and RTR versions. While these are not the greatest running engine, you can swap out the gears and motors for the NWSL versions which are a step up in the terms of running quality, It certainly is nice knowing that spare parts are available for the Shay.
…and they might run the climax while the shay inventory slowly dwindles, then bring them back as suggested in prior posts. Plenty of inventory and parts for now anyway.